Alright. Zompiercer , such as it is at this moment in early access, is done and dusted. I understand the dev is working on more areas which hopefully will drop sometime soon, but as things stand, I've seen just about everything the game has to offer. So, let's talk about that. The story set-up is kind of comical. You, the unnamed protagonist (or robilar5500 in this case lol) wake up to the alarms signifying that zombies have broken into your camp. In the time it takes you to put on some shoes and grab a baseball bat, everybody else in the camp has already either fled, forgetting all about you, or has been eaten by zombies. And the only working vehicle seems to have crashed. So, with no other options, you fight your way out of your camp and onto a train, which you commandeer and with which you set off on your adventure. Presumably to find other survivors, but really, they left you behind in, as mentioned, the time it took you to put on your shoes and grab a weapon, lol. Not the best companions ever. The rest of your adventure is following the rails to various locations where you knew people, only to find them overrun as well. There is voice acting, which is represented by a couple lines here and there. It's actually pretty well done despite how infrequent it is. I also saw where the developer has decided to remove the voice acting. That feels like a bad decision to me. It's one of the few things in the game that actually reminds you of your humanity. For the most part, this is a tale of three games. A variation of walking simulator, wherein you ride you train through scenic areas until eventually reaching an area you can interact with; a survival shooter, where you will need to find resources to survive while also fighting a plethora of zombies; and a base builder, where you can doll up your train to your heart's content, provided you have the resources. It does all of these things quite well. I really enjoyed how the guns felt, exploration was decent, and while zombies are by virtue of their very nature, pretty stupid, they do press you and force you to make some real decisions as far as how to defend yourself, where you want to take a stand, and so on. Building up your train and crafting in general was very detailed and enjoyable. You will also get a robot companion at one point, and that really changes things a lot. It's got your back, can be equipped with a fair few different weapons (mine had a flamethrower, double shotgun, and a pistol), and doesn't seem to take damage in combat itself, making it super tank-ey. The robot also makes cute sounds that liven up the world just a bit more. I played Zompiercer exclusively with k/m, which was intuitive and felt like the way it was intended by the dev. Since it's playable on the Deck though, I'd imagine it could be playable with a gamepad as well. There are some issues, both good and bad, however. For one, bow combat was not enjoyable IMO. I didn't even bother once I'd found a revolver. Speaking of the revolver, it is the one weapon in the game that empties its load before reloading. Whatever bullets were in it are gone at that point. Super helpful but also broken, the pump action shotgun has the same range as the sniper rifle you will find later. In the city, there was some stuttering and lag, although I didn't notice it happening during the boss fight there. Occasionally, you will have to close then open a door on the train in order to be able to actually go through the doorway. Also, having to press the pump button like thirty times while also having to defend that spot at the farm base is excessive. I mean, like ten, max, would be ideal. More importantly though, this game really lacks any sort of tutorial. If you haven't played a game like this, you will definitely feel lost trying to figure out how to make your first bed (for example), and your character does have to sleep, making this a pretty big deal that I would imagine has led to some refunds already. Beyond that though, there is a general lack of instruction with almost all of the game's gameplay mechanics that definitely needs to be addressed, even if it's just a menu option that gives you the rundown on how to do everything, The game does try to tell you how to do some things by letting you know you have the wrong tool in hand and such, but yeah, this is a big issue with the game. So, some quick tips: build a carpenters table and a metalworking table first as a priority. You will be able to build a freestanding bed with the supplies you find at your starter area once you've built some crafting tables. Loot and break down everything. Which also means you will need to kill all the zombies in an area. Most of which do not drop loot btw. At some point, you'll have a stockpile of supplies, but the first couple places you visit, be thorough. When you begin crafting, left click to place an item, right click to back out, then equip the appropriate tool and left click again until the thing is built. Red barrels are explosive, blue can be broken down for metal shards, the most rare of frequently needed resources. When you get the robot, note that it can't be active on your train. So, you will need to carry it out of the train and then activate it, in order for it to follow you. The city will probably be the first place you use it. Take some time to upgrade it before doing that though. You need it to be armed. When leaving an area, you will need to deactivate it, then carry it onto your train, lol. Anyway, I had fun playing Zompiercer. It could definitely benefit from additional areas to explore, and I'd really like to see the story finished, but as it stands now, there is more than enough content to justify buying the game, and the game itself is reasonably polished despite being unfinished. Currently, during the Winter Sale, it's on sale for 40% off, which is when I bought it. That feels ideal. What I will say as well is that in the sea of low poly zombie game contemporaries, this one stands out as one of the best ones currently on Steam. In fact, most of the others I've tried only wish they could be this fun. Worth a look. If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, [url=]Robilar's Reviews , it would be appreciated. Cheers. Also follow [url=]IndieGems for more reviews like this one.
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