I bought and played it after the 1.1.1 update, which apparently was crucial to improve the game's difficulty balancing. Graphics: Possibly the most impressive part of the game, the graphics are really good for this type of game. I have a very average computer, so I played on the mid settings at 1080p (my screen isn't big so I don't need 4k) and the game already looks amazing in this configuration. Some people report having problems to run it at max settings/4k, but I don't know about that since I don't even try these settings on my machine because I know I'll have problems with most games. One criticism I have is that some graphical assets are repeated way too many times, which makes some areas look boring. Score: 8.9 Music: The music isn't memorable but it does a good job at setting the mood. Some of them remind me of those old games with atmospheric soundtrack, which is cool. Score: 7 Controls: The controls are good and work well for the most part, although the default configuration isn't the best one, since it makes jumping while aiming/shooting difficult (don't know about you but I only have one thumb on my right hand). So I changed the jump for LB instead of A. Now the game controls almost like a Souls game, with the important actions on the shoulder buttons and secondary stuff on the face buttons. It worked well for me. I also changed movement to d-pad instead of left analog stick, and weapon change went to analog stick. Had to do it in Steam's controller configuration since I couldn't do it straight from the game's options. Having all this customization been done, the controls worked flawlessly since then. Score: 8 Level design: The level design isn't the best I've ever seen, but it's not terrible either. It's ok. Areas would certainly benefit from having more landmarks scattered around them, like unique sights in the background and stuff like that. That would make having to check the map less frequent when backtracking. Also some areas (called Sections in the game) are too similar to one another, like Sections 1 and 2. Section 2 is basically the same as Section 1, but with some machinery in the background. Later areas do get more different thankfully, but players can easily get tired of seeing Sections 1 and 2, and since those are the first areas this makes for a not very good first impression. On a positive note, areas have lots of shortcuts you uncover as you explore, which makes navigating them later a lot easier. Score: 7.3 Gameplay (the main part of this review): This is a sidescrolling platform-shooter metroidvania. The shooting/combat is fun since you have full aim with the right analog stick, not just shooting in 8-directions like most games of this genre. The guns' power, firerate and range vary a lot, so each one of them is good for each type of situation. You can have a main and a secondary gun, and you can change them at any time with the d-pad (or left analog stick in my case, since I prefer having the d-pad for movement in sidescrolling games). Most weapons are very weak when you first find them and upgrading these weapons isn't something you'll be doing very often, so expect yourself to walk around with unimpressive firepower a lot of the time you play this game. As for the platforming, it works very well. Although the character's jump looks weird (like a fast-paced moon jump), the controls and physics are tight enough to make most platforming sections feel like a fair challenge and, if you fail in some of them, it's most probably your fault. One thing that could be improved are the platforming "puzzles" where you have to deal with different types of alien-blob-platforms. Each of them have a different property, but some of them have very similar colors, which makes it difficult to differentiate them, e.g. the normal blobs are yellow, while the blobs that break when you step on them are also yellow but in a slightly darker shade. It would be better if each type of blob had a more unique color. Although you do start to see the subtle difference between each type of blob as you play, that can be a problem in the beginning. Difficulty is very well balanced overall. You can heal at anytime like in Hollow Knight, you spend energy to heal and this energy can be recovered by killing enemies. Focusing on keeping your health full while just recovering energy from enemies is key to not die. As mentioned in the beginning, older reviews point out that difficulty was somewhat higher or unfair before the patch, but I can't comment on that since I didn't played the game at launch. One thing that really bothered me was the excessive amount of cheap hits the game throws at you. Enemies suddenly dropping on your head with very little to no time to react, enemies hidden behind foreground objects hitting you, enemies which are too small to see if you're minimally distracted or whose colors almost blend in with the background (those small water enemies). These situations really started to get on my nerves as I played. They don't make the game more difficult since there's plenty of energy to heal after being hit by these enemies, but it does makes the game more annoying. Score for gameplay: 7.6 Story: I don't really care about it in this kind of game. You control an SD astronaut who's lost in a weird planet, and weird things happen. No score Closing: The game has a slow start and can be boring for some people. I'm a very patient gamer so I didn't have a problem with that. Anyway, it does picks up speed later and I think everyone who's into metroidvanias should check this one out. FINAL SCORE: 7.9 out of 10
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