Star Trek: Resurgence

Authentic Star Trek adventure from former members of Telltale Games. Engage in diplomacy, pilot shuttlecraft, and use your tricorder and phaser to overcome challenging puzzles and deadly threats. Tough decisions will impact relationships, your story, and the fate of the galaxy. What will YOU do?

Star Trek: Resurgence is a choose your own adventure, adventure and interactive fiction game developed by Dramatic Labs and published by Bruner House.
Released on May 23rd 2024 is available only on Windows in 6 languages: English, French, German, Spanish - Spain, Spanish - Latin America and Traditional Chinese.

It has received 1,790 reviews of which 1,628 were positive and 162 were negative resulting in a rating of 8.7 out of 10. 😎

The game is currently priced at 24.50€ on Steam.

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These are the minimum specifications needed to play the game. For the best experience, we recommend that you verify them.

  • OS: Windows® 10 64-bit
  • Processor: AMD FX-8350 / Intel® Coreâ„¢ i5-3330
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeonâ„¢ RX 5700 / NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1080
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 16 GB available space


Explore reviews from Steam users sharing their experiences and what they love about the game.

Aug. 2024
The bar isn't set particularly high, but Star Trek: Resurgence is the best Star Trek game I've played in years. While Resurgence is not without flaws (the graphics and controls can be clunky to say the least), the game truly shines in the story and acting. Above all else, this felt like playing out an episode of 90s era Trek. An absolute blast from start to finish.
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June 2024
I don't usually write reviews for games, but for this one I feel compelled to. Let's get one thing out of the way first: this is not a game. Don't look at it as a game. This is a 10 hour long Star Trek movie that has game-like elements. If that's a showstopper for you then stop reading cause you're probably not going to like this game, if it isn't then please read on. I've been playing Star Trek games for a LONG time, going all the way back to the Win95 games like Starfleet Command and Away Team. Star Trek games are ALL OVER THE PLACE in terms of quality and when I first saw this game come out on the Epic launcher I brushed it off as another low effort cash grab *cough* JJ-verse games *cough*. But this game is not that. This game has heart and it has soul and within a few minutes of the opening cut scene you'll see very clearly that the devs care very much about this game and that they are huge Star Trek fans. I'm going to get the gameplay part of this review out of the way here so I can just gush about the story afterward. The gameplay is ... not great. This game is 75% quick time events and dialogue choices. The other 25% is puzzles which are only in there to give this game a game-y feel. I will say though that the puzzles don't seem like they're out of place for the universe. For instance, a common puzzle is aligning the transporter matter stream and energizing the buffer for transport. Honestly, I've never seen that before. I've never seen a game attempt to integrate that before. Usually it's just press a button and you beam down. But no, they made a mini puzzle out of it. And yeah that puzzle is pretty rudimentary, but it's engaging and it actually does feel like you're the transporter tech struggling to boost power to the annular confinement beam to stabilize the matter stream (kudos to you if you're getting all these references). And that's the great thing about this game, it feels like you're there, in uniform, on the deck, trying to save the day. All flaws aside, I couldn't really ask for anything more out of a Star Trek game. Now onto the story... This game has story. It is well crafted, it is well thought out, it is well designed, and it is chock full of Star Trek references; in some cases, very obscure Star Trek references. The game takes place in the 24th century post First Contact and Dominion War. But if you're a fan, you probably figured that out from the cover art. You play as two people: Commander Jara Rydek and Petty Officer Carter Diaz. When you're playing as Commander Rydek, you are the officer on deck. You have the information, you have the knowledge, you have the authority; but you're the one with the responsibility. You're the one who has to stand for what you believe in and make the tough calls. Everyone else has their opinion; but at the end of the day, you're the one who has to pull all those people together to make things happen. And not all your choices are going to be popular, many of them are straight up pick a side because not everyone is going to agree with what you're doing; and personally I think that's great, I think that's awesome. I think too many games shy away from the kind of deep character driven story choices that drive a good story and Resurgence isn't afraid to do that; just like all the great Star Trek episodes do. More than once I felt conflicted about the course of action I was about to take because I didn't want to let my crew down; and I think that's an amazing feeling to have in a game. On the flip side, you have Petty Officer Diaz. Before I get into him. let me just say that it is a great detail that they actually included the enlisted officer rank pip; which to my knowledge, only exists in the expanded Star Trek universe. When you're playing Diaz, you're the redshirt going at the problem in the mud. You're the one whose out in space having to repair a plasma conduit or redistribute the EPS manifolds because the warp core is going to breech. You're the one in the lower decks about to be blasted with a phaser because of some decision the brass decided to make that you have absolutely no control over. When you're playing Diaz, you're the guy out in the field, fixing the ship to keep it from falling out of the sky. Of the two, I much preferred playing as Rydek. But the devs did a great job in not shoehorning either character into the sidelines. Both characters have impact on the story and both characters are just as important to the game. Now as for all the other characters, again the devs did a good job at fleshing them out. By the time you're through with the game, which is only like 10 or so hours, you'll know all the officers on the bridge, all the aliens, all the crew, all the hero's, all the villain's and where they all stand. It is quite an accomplishment for such a compact game. And if you're really willing to lose yourself in the story, the choices you make can feel very rewarding. And it's just awesome getting to call red alert in the heat of the moment! Lastly, I'm going to close out the review with my biggest gripes about the game. The very first one is that there are no save states. There is no revert, there is no going back, once you finish a story chapter and you've made your decision, then that's that. Like I get that for a story based game you want to have the players decisions be locked in and feel permanent; BUT, I literally got halfway through the game, made a single decision I wanted to go back on and couldn't cause the chapter had already closed (and as it turns out the vast majority of players made the same decision I did on that first go. Minor spoilers: it was the shield algorithm decision) I had to start the whole game over and play through everything AGAIN just to get back to my decision point. Which wasn't the worst because I was planning to replay the game once anyway, but it certainly felt like a waste of time to do that. Next up is the severe lack of control settings, mainly the cursor speed which is PAINFULLY slow. The UI surrounding the game is very bare bones and you'll likely find several industry standard QoL features that are missing completely from this game. Ultimately it doesn't take away from the core experience, but like how hard is it to give me a scroll bar that I can use to adjust my cursor speed? (Edit: Wait, did they patch that in? I swear it wasn't there when I wrote the review ... ) And then there are the character models and animations which are ... passable at best. They look like they're 80% done and are good in most places; but they could have used a few more rounds of polish. I'll say it again, if you're here because you're expecting a slick, well polished game, then look elsewhere because this ain't it. But if you're looking for an engaging and immersive Star Trek story set in the 24th century, then this game is right for you. Seriously, don't think of it as a game. Think of it as one long Star Trek episode and you'll have a great time! Devs, if you're reading this I have two things to say to you. 1) PLEASE make a follow up. It doesn't have to be the same crew if the story of the Resolute is over; but please make another one if you can. I promise you that if you release the follow up on steam I'll buy it day 1. 2) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add forward facing torpedo tube launchers to the Resolute model. You have no idea how much that bothered me. Don't get me wrong, I love the Resolute and I love your decision to include such an obscure ship class in this game. I also love the choice to set the game on small science vessel like the Nova class, instead of like a Galaxy class, or something else more well known. So that's all great, but please PLEASE, my kingdom for two torpedo tubes :)
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May 2024
There's a lot of busy work, and the graphics are not AAA, but this the closest any game has gotten to the real Star Trek experience. It feels like a game made for fans of the TNG, DS9, Voyager era. The tone, sound effects, and morality are all spot on. Would love to see a sequel
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May 2024
I am very happy to give this Star trek Story game the thumbs up. Keeping in mind the storytelling, lore and general quality of Star trek games we got of late, I was quite skeptical about this one, and I am glad to have been proven wrong. The GOOD: 1. A unique Star trek feeling - unlike most games, you control two crew members - one from the bridge and one from the lower decks. The dichotomy of being a Commander of the Centaur-Class starship "Resolute" and a petty officer in engineering is shown perfectly. 2. A genuine Star trek feeling - the story focuses on the people, just like a good star trek episode does. Unlike most surface level games, this one provides a deep-dive in almost every main character's backstory, motivations and modus operadi. This is what every Star trek fan loves to see. 3. A Fan of Star Trek feeling - lots of Star trek games of late assumed that by throwing some memberberries or letting you shoot phasers, command fleets and fly starships isthe true Star trek experience. Well it is not. There needs to be some basis and motivation behind all this, and this game captures it perfectly. And yes, you will still fire phasers, give orders to fire photon torpedoes, fly shuttles, engage in firefights, be in stealth situations - all that Star trek goodness - and you will know why you are doing it and will have a clear idea in mind what your own motivations are. 4. A true choices matter Star trek feeling - your choices matter and will keep biting you in the butt throughout the entire story. Crew members will point out when you mistreated or took advantage of their loyalty, you will get reprimanded if you conducted yourself poorly, and more often than not, will be in the thick of it, wondering whose feelings are going to get hurt this time, while trying to uphold the best principles of Starfleet. And yes... people under your command will live or die based on what your decisions are. If that wasn't enough - not being decisive enough and trying to wiggle your way out of situations will blow up in your face, as the developers have thought of that - don't be surprised if crewmen point out your mistakes or have a very "resolute"... pun intended I guess, opinion of your actions based on whom you supported. 5. While this is a story game, it actually lends itself to multiple playthroughs - will you be a good first officer and have your crew's back to the end? Or will you have to do the most difficult part of the Commander's exam and send someone to their death? Yes that happens in the game - and this time not in the holodeck... THE BAD: 1. First thing you need to get past is the stuttering at times and some janky graphics. As an old-style gamer, I couldn't care less about this - for me everything was just fine, but it may put off newer players. 2. While choices matter is a good thing, I more often than not felt that I am some babysitter, having to consider everyone's fee-fees. We are in a do or die war situation dude... You can go meet the ship's Councillor later and talk how you were mistreated by your superiors, or why it wasn't your time to get a pip. 3. The quick time events are kinda ok, but I wasn't sure if they were merited enough to be in the game. Quite honestly, if the story cinematic just went on I wouldn't have a problem with it. Conclusion: A game worth experiencing if you are Star Trek TNG/DS9 series type of fan. A lot of what made those series good - deep story, complex motivations, mystery, actions, tough choices - is in this game. At over 11 hours per playthrough, I consider this story game a great success, as there is more than enough meat on the bone to sink your teeth in. As a lifelong Star trek fan, I am giving it my heartfelt recommendation. Now time to play through it again as an absolute selfish unlikable First officer and see what happens...
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May 2024
It's rare a Star Trek game is actually enjoyable for me. I enjoyed this one. The Good: It genuinely felt like watching a interactive star trek series. Good story, generally believable characters. Plenty of Star Trek style fan service like shooting phasers, scanning things, and using consoles to do sciency things. About 10 hours of gameplay. The Bad: Any side NPC is generically textured so looks absolutely awful. Many character animations were janky and quite amateurish. One of the first NPC's I saw in the game was floating 4 inches off the deck and it immediately took me out of the moment. I tried the game without motion blur first, as I turn it off for all games, and the jank and low quality textures were much more noticable, so I turned it back on and left it on to hide some of it. No Achievements. I saw a texture layering problem with some special effects, they were visible through walls and such. Poorly aligned rock textures showing the bad faces of the textures to the player. The ending (no spoilers) had multiple characters stacked ontop of eachother. My Conclusion: I can forgive all of the bad parts of the game because I am a Star Trek fan and I really enjoyed it, unlike so many other Star Trek games. I had no game breaking bugs, and it seemed to me they invested more time into the later parts of the game, so there were less issues. I suspect they were rushed to put the game out, as a majority of these issues were just in need of polish and some TLC. The game did not seem badly made. Perhaps they will fix these things, but as-is I personally found it to be worth the money and I have no regrets. If you are a Star Trek fan and you know how terrible many of the game can be, I think you may enjoy this one.
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Star Trek: Resurgence
Online players
Dramatic Labs
Bruner House
Release 23 May 2024