I've played this game a few times now, never completing it, but still played several times. I REALLY WANT to LOVE it...but I just can't quite get there. The game is beautiful. It is simple, which I like, sometimes games can be wildly overly complex (and sometimes I like that too, but SCARS Above seems to have found its niche.) The story seems very very interesting, at least for as far as I've reached. The key drawback is the save system and combat. I'm not a real fan of repetition, but the way this game is designed, you repeat, a TON, if you fail to survive a boss (or any other creature). Your resources are very limited, your health is very limted, so you have to approach every single fight with extreme care. You need to be precise, accurate and quick. I don't mind that aspect of the game in general. The problem is, the combat system frequently puts you in situations where you didn't hit EXACTLY the 5 pixel square region you HAD to hit, and therefor your shot had zero effect. Small mobs, big bosses, it doesn't really matter much...if you miss your critical shots, your gonna PAY for it, and if you miss just a few.... Well, this is where it really gets frustrating. You restart, way back wherever it was you last had an OPPORTUNITY to save. For the most part, I can get through all the various mobs and little bosses without issue (unless I make a careless mistake with one of the bigger guys). So I'll make it to a final boss in some area, or maybe a group if really fast monsters...make that one fatal mistake... And bam, I'm way back where I started, 20 minutes ago. Every time you respawn, AND every time you choose to save AT a respawn point, ALL the enemies respawn as well. This prevents you from going backwards in the game to a save spot to save, and it can completely screw you if you get to the end of a segment of the game and die for any reason. You then have to repeat not just the mob you died at...you have to repeat that entire segment of the game. Incredibly frustrating. I thin the problem is primarily the save system. You have VERY FEW monoliths where you even can save. The farther into a section of the game you get, the more risk you take on at every turn, every mob, every boss. One mistake costs you more and more and more the farther you get from your last spawn point, and it seems they get less and less frequent as the game progresses. I'm not really a fan of repetition at all in general, but a little bit here or there to master a boss is generally ok for me. But having to repeat entire segments of the game, sometimes over and over and over, just to master a boss, or even just some big baddie? It makes the game extremely difficult to play for very long, when you aren't a big fan of hyper-repetition (there are numerous games that try this, few ever seem to get high ratings from any game rating agency, organization or players in general, as it is rarely done in a way that works. Elden Scroll's bosses may be one of the few cases where it works.) I think the core of the problem is the extremely scarce spawn points, which make progressing difficult, and their scarcity (perhaps increasing scarcity as you move through the game) forces you to repeat THE GAME over, and over, and over. It gets really tedious. If you really love repetition, then SCARS Above is probably just for you. If there was more of an aspect of mastery to the game, vs. just survival and wits, then the repetition might have more of a purpose, and I might be able to swallow it better. As it is, the repetition is rather mindless, excessive, without any real mastery. The bigger monsters and bosses are all rather simple...in line with the overall simple nature of the game. There isn't much depth to them. You just have to be able to survive, use a little bit of wit to nail each one in JUST the right place at JUST the right time, while concurrently avoiding death, to take them down. There isn't much mastery to it, there is just timing and precision. Over and over and over. If the save system was a bit more plentifully populated with save/spawn points, I think that would have mitigated the vast majority of what irks me so much about this game. Its beautiful, the story is interesting, its generally fun in the moment...but the RE-PE-TI-TION. The repetition is insane. I don't want to repeat large swaths of the game over and over and over, just so I can manage my timing and precision a little bit better. There is no real reward for the repetition aspect. None. You just repeat. It puts massive onus on not dying, which itself increases your angst over not dying, which means your gonna die. And repeat. Reducing the amount of repetition would have really helped here. Especially if spawn points were placed more strategically near notably difficult points in the game. Repeating a single fight, eh, ok. Repeating 15 minutes of gameplay over and over BECAUSE of a SINGLE fight, gets extremely old, extremely quickly. So much potential here, so much potential...and I want to just love this game... Its ALMOST there. The save infrequency, the excessive weight put on being hyper accurate and precise in every combat situation, and the constant angst over having to repeat some large swath of the game, takes a lot of the fun out of it. It would be nice to play through the story of the game, without the constant intensity of failing and having to repeat. I think additionally, perhaps a little bit more to winning a fight, perhaps slightly more complexity to the bigger monsters and bosses, would have added something to combat to make it more interesting and fun. There is this fundamental concept in games: The 30 second gameplay loop. SCARS Above doesn't quite get it, I don't think...and the repetition scale, scope and frequency really hurts this games loop. This was one of the same mistakes Anthem made (although, they made others as well)...the 30 second gameplay loop was utterly mindless and insanely boring, with little to no reward for your repetitive efforts. Hopefully Mad Head Games will figure out how to rectify their mistakes here, and the next game will be better. I am going to "recommend" the game, as I am probably more averse to excessive and boring repetition than many others, and there ARE great aspects to this game. I really wish Steam would provide a third option, "On the Fence" or something like that, as that's really where I'm at. I don't really want to overtly recommend the game, but, I don't want to NOT recommend it...the game definitely has its attractive factors!
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