Nature Calls

Food fights have never been like this! Will you answer the call? Mysterious code to get infinite gold COINS in this game: KxGame# Gold Usage: 1 enter to the training level!!! 2 Press Enter and Enter gold coin code above in the chat window"KxGame#Gold" no quote! 3 Press Enter to done it! Add 10,000 gold pieces for each input!

Nature Calls is a action, casual and indie game developed by and published by KX Games.
Released on August 17th 2018 is available only on Windows in 2 languages: English and Simplified Chinese.

It has received 502 reviews of which 441 were positive and 61 were negative resulting in a rating of 8.2 out of 10. 😎

The game is currently priced at 2.84€ on Steam and has a 50% discount.

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These are the minimum specifications needed to play the game. For the best experience, we recommend that you verify them.

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS *: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core2 or better
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 3 GB available space


Explore reviews from Steam users sharing their experiences and what they love about the game.

Dec. 2023
Fantastic game really, nothing else in my library tops it.
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June 2018
This is just... Awesome x''D Totally goatally worth 2 get, gather up ur fellas and just fk around with e/o! The game is in a Asian lang' but u can change it 2 english in settings! :p Its a rly childish game so if ure overtired or drunk, go ahead, hf! and gl in the war! Its close 2 another game, but this game is about killing and not so much team play atm, will b fun 2 see the other maps and gameplay when they get out!
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May 2018
I do think anyone play this game will laugh hilariously. This game really did. I have been playing games for years and have never met a game like this. really relax and enjoying which is quite valuable. This game is a real potential. no matter the design or the art style. The way to play this game including weapon are full of fun, the developers' love for games. it is kinda easy to play, this game. the goal is quite straight forward: eat everything you can and digest to make weapon and kill every one. I am enjoying the combating mode and looking forward to the Zombie mode, Tower defense and Hunting mode that is shown coming soon in the game. The grave disadvantage is that the speed really sucks when there are a lot of people in this game. Come on,just fix it so I can enjoy screaming who I throw a pink poo to oters. Just let the game flow on.33
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May 2018
If I had the choice, I would've recommended it both a yes/no. The game is very funny and a great and wacky concept for a future comedic work of art, involving peeing on each other and setting up poop landmines. Also the models, altough simple as of now, in my opinion they are quite appealing if you like big butts like I do. (Why did I say that -_-) But I do agree that there should be a lot more done, but it's in it's early development so we can't argue too much about that. Aside from the good aspect, there are problems that need to be worked out. 1: I can understand that the game was made in China and it's target server connection is around the region of China. But if this is going to become a game on a global scale, I would recommend seeing different ways of involving the connection around both the United States area and United Kingdom area (Sorry I'm not good with Social Subjects, but you get the point). As the connection on the server is causing the game to lag a little more then my liking. 2: Again, it's in it's early release, but I do feel there's not a lot of important content that would make the game feel much better, and there are some content which is in the game, it's just that it's not fully functional yet. But it does show that they're close to completion on those so again we can't argue too much about that. 3: There are some problematic bugs that I urge for them to look into, and it involves the poop mines. The problem with the mines is that when you walk into the damage zone and walk out again, is that it would always damage you no matter what, even through walls. I hope the next update or patch delivers something different for the mines as it's quite annoying. Also a lot of the maps implented in the game all end up making you camp, because if there are 3 or 4 mines around a doorway or hiding from the corner of your eye, then it would be a very easy kill against someone that has the unfortunate luck of accidently moving in the zone, which is another reason for the mines to be nerfed or fixed. In short, it's a very funny and also somewhat lude and good disgusting game. But because of the disadvantages of every early access game... There's always gonna be some problems you'll walk into. Still a great game to play on my free time if I don't feel like playing any other game or I'm bored. Though if you're the type of person that's wanting a full fledged game, I'd advise you to wait before you buy it, Just to see how it plays out. But I'm not saying you shouldn't too, I'm happy to play this even with all the bugs. Also it's quite funny at times.
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May 2018
PUBG on acid? This is a Battle royal game which feels like you are playing whilst high as a kite. Kill your enemy with urine, poo or nukes. What else could you want? I think it's expensive at £5, more like a £2 game but a good laugh none the less.
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Steam data 30 January 2025 13:19
SteamSpy data 26 January 2025 16:19
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Steam reviews 29 January 2025 03:51
Nature Calls
Online players
KX Games
Release 17 Aug 2018