I recommend this game solely on the core battle mechanics and neurotically fun army building aspects of the game. If you're new to Mount and Blade, this is a good place to start and old hats will enjoy the graphical and technical improvements. I will caution new players that there will be a steep learning curve because the tutorial is incredibly bad and you should watch Youtube videos for guidance. But if you are an old player with Warband experience, you're going to be kind of mad. After all this time you are left with a huge "That's it?" I am going to disregard mods because a game should stand on it's own feet and in that retrospect, the game does not feel finished. From the very beginning the tutorial hints at greater ideas like visiting all the beautifully crafted towns and villages but realistically that makes for very tedious gameplay. And that's the one word I would describe the late game: Tedious. The beginning to mid game is the most fun. Building your character and army up and taking on all the missions the game has to offer. But late game the loop breaks as you are faced with nothing but WAR. Constant war initiated by brain dead AI from ally and enemy alike defeating the purpose of any diplomacy. You can defeat and capture hundreds (yes, hundreds) of lords and ladies, but the game will still free them so they can raise an army to fight you. All that hard work you put in the early and mid game building relationships with nobles and notables destroyed by cruel nobles raiding villages and "following orders" mentality. Even if you become faction leader you will watch as your nobles charge into hopeless battles only to get their men slaughtered and themselves captured. And there are going to be lots of hopeless battles as it seems the AI cheats to have more soldiers than you resulting in constant 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and even 1:5 battles as NORMAL. Better get good at managing your 250 man army vs 1500 man armies BACK TO BACK. This pain is compounded by your own clan parties joining these brain dead AI armies so you lose all your men and family members/companions. This highlights much needed AI QoL features so they stop doing dumb things and d r a g g i n g the campaign out. -Defensive stance should mean they only defend your kingdom. Not join armies to ATTACK castles. At least give the option to turn off joining armies. -Give the ability to tell AI soldiers to stop using siege equipment. I want them to stop using ladders on the assault especially when I want to focus on one set of ladders and not have 2 guys run across the map to the other set to get arrow'd or die soloing a ladder. Or have them launch catapults into the backs of your own men and there's no way to tell them to get off. On the defensive side, they can abandon the catapults so they don't mindlessly charge an enemy mob just to get to man the catapult. I lost 80 men this way as my archers mindlessly charged mob after mob to reach an overrun catapult. -Give the ability to tell AI which siege equipment to ONLY use. I am tired of your men moving one siege tower then running across the map getting shot to pieces to move the other tower. I want to tell them to focus on using one tower to concentrate the assault and not split up and sometimes give up a breakthrough so they can climb the other tower or batter a door with their swords. -There needs to be more emphasis on what makes the battles FEEL good. More rocks for sieges. One of the most satisfying feelings is hearing a fire pot squish a mob and your screen become unusable due to the kill feed. Charging with sufficient speed and mass should send soldiers attempting a block flying back. It's very anticlimatic couching a lance only to hear a "clink" as a WICKER shield from a tier 2 infantry blocks your charge (also whats the point of shield size if they're all classified as "large"). -That above actually highlights the need for spearmen to have an actual brace command and have it actually work. As it stands, the best anti cav is other cav or regular spear men with short spears so they do a basic thrust attack which accomplishes the same task (a legionaire's Pilum, which they don't throw, of all things). -Conversely there needs to be an actual "move to by charging command" because when you select charge, the cavalry might charge the second wave instead of the first wave. I have to use the move to command to manually direct the charge but it's not an actual charge. -There needs to be a feature that allows you to move your garrison troops forward. As it stands in late game, your central cities rarely get visited making managing them hard. One thing that would make recruitment very useful is having the ability to give "relocation orders" and have specific garrison troops transferred to a front line city. If you want to make it more fun, have these troops appear in the overworld so they can be intercepted giving players another type of party they can attack that's between deserters and actual armies. -Additionally give the ability to manage cities from afar. This means making the "fiefs" menu more useful but allows late game players to manage cities without having to travel to it. That or stop the amount of wars that happen because jfc it's way too much. And finally revamp the tutorial to better represent actual gameplay and how to manage settlements and how marriage works. Tutorial is utterly useless as it stands and is in the way. Also the skill system is formulated by a genuine a$$hol. 6 focus and 5 skill is 249 points max? 1 point away from 250? Really? What's the point of using checkpoints of 25 if you use a formula that has irregular max points? Do the devs even play the game? It's already super slow to level up pass level 21 so that 1 missing point only further adds to the TEDIOUS nature of late game. Unfortunately I fear this QoL changes will never happen because the updates are far and few between. Incredibly sad because this game has so much potential to be an absolute legend as there is nothing quite like it. If I were the developers I would be ashamed simply because of all the potential wasted. It's like watching somebody who can cure cancer decide to consume corn all day instead. I wish I could have half of what you have and here you are, squandering all of it.
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