Kraven Manor

Turn out the lights, take a deep breath, and prepare yourself. Explore the depths of the immersive, atmospheric world of Kraven Manor. Uncover its secrets, solve its mystical puzzles, and face its growing threat. Face your fears and see if you have what it takes...the doors of Kraven Manor await you.

Kraven Manor is a horror, adventure and indie game developed and published by Demon Wagon Studios.
Released on September 26th 2014 is available only on Windows in 14 languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish - Spain, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, Portuguese, Romanian, Thai, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian.

It has received 598 reviews of which 446 were positive and 152 were negative resulting in a rating of 7.1 out of 10. 😊

The game is free to play on Steam.

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These are the minimum specifications needed to play the game. For the best experience, we recommend that you verify them.

  • OS *: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz Single Core Processor, 1 Thread
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA 6200 / ATI Radeon 9600
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c


Explore reviews from Steam users sharing their experiences and what they love about the game.

Jan. 2021
Great horror game. If you expect a lot of jumpscares i am going to disappoint you. There are moments that Kraven Manor will scare you and make you cry but these are few throughout the whole game. What makes this game an absolute must have in your library is the dark and creepy atmosphere and the general feeling that there is someone, something behind you the whole time. A very beautiful game with gorgeous graphics that will make you forget it's an indie one. The mechanic that allows you to interact with miniature rooms in order to gain entrance to the same rooms in the manor is innovative and brings a fresh breath to the genre. Puzzles are not very hard to solve but neither too easy to think the game is failing. The only negative aspect of the game is the fact that is short. It will take you 50 mins - 1 hour max to finish. The great ending though will make you forget about that very fast. You should buy Kraven Manor if you are looking for a true horror experience.
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Dec. 2017
Now, this is one game almost solely dedicated to the notion of SPOOKY. The other recurring theme is MODELS: No, not the wafer-thin things that caper about on cat-walks, but rather a three-dimensional model of the title building and its attendant rooms/sections (an absolutely ingenious device which you'll just have to play the game to "spoil" for yourself), as well as some of the hands-down scariest bronze statues/art models you will ever have the good fortune to be terrorized by. I gotta say, it's always nice to be so pleasantly surprised by a game you didn't even know existed until it was already available in the Steam store (the last such game for yours truly was perhaps Outlast, so this title is in mighty good company therein). This isn't to say there aren't a few problems, however... Firstly, the Steam asking price is a tad silly for a game which even I managed to complete in under two hours ('cause believe me, I play games kinda sloooooow). The project is apparently the product of university students graduating from a game design course, so within those parameters it's impressive as hell, but it doesn't hurt to recognise that even the very best of such projects can't exactly go head-to-head with the "big boys", especially price-wise. Secondly, there's a few glitches...on more than one occasion, I had a particular enemy permanently freeze on me; which might almost sound like a "good"/opportunistic thing, but decidedly less so when you require said enemy to cause damage to something in order for you to progress. Also, I had a hell of a time getting a couple of objects to successfully interact with what they were SUPPOSED to interact with. I especially had no end of fun trying to get a round ornamental medal thing to go into its appropriate slot in a wall...thought I must be missing something...looked up a video walkthrough and lo and behold, the dude playing it gets it in first go without even trying. One game reboot later and I finally managed it, but again not quite as promptly as Mr Walkthrough did, so...yes, problems, it had a few. I did however break with my usual cheapskate tradition (of waiting for a decent sale) and bought this game smack-dab on its release date, so perhaps these little bugs will be corrected with time... On the whole, though...VERY impressed. Expect big, big things from the people involved. For now, this one merely qualifies as just a single "big", but there's no doubt there's some talent involved here. If I were their teacher, I would definitely give them an "A" (but not quite an "A+")...but since I'm not a teacher, I'll simply rate them in my standard manor (whoops, make that "manner"), and round off my review with the customary: Verdict: 8.5/10.
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Sept. 2015
Kraven Manor was developed by a team of thirteen gradate students within a six month time frame. In some ways that fact is all too apparent, in other ways it's surprising just how much was accomplished with so little. A first-person horror set within the eponymous building, the game's unique hook is that the structure of the whole manor can be changed dynamically. This is achieved by finding scale models of the individual rooms and setting them onto a board in the main hall, the arrangement of which determines what can be accessed. It's a really clever idea that lends itself well to an exciting scope of gameplay possibilities... or at least it could, it never really gets used to its full potential here. I think there were literally about two or maybe three instances in the whole game where the positioning of the rooms actually mattered in any significant way. Otherwise, the only thing it affected was the walking distance to the room you were heading to next. I say "the whole game", there's isn't really all that much to it. There's maybe less than a dozen unique, relatively small areas to explore, all of which can be seen in probably about an hour for most players. But at least most of that time will be eventful as various set-pieces are triggered with regularity along the way, the vast majority of these being highly effective at unnerving the player. This is largely thanks to the main threat to your survival in the manor, a life-sized bronze mannequin that appears both lifeless and yet obsessive in its focus on your demise, made even more unsettling by its strange behaviour as it will only move and attack when not being looked at directly, otherwise perfectly playing its role of inanimate object. So it has a solid idea at is core, a suitably terrifying creature stalking your progress and is well designed with its creepy locations and adequate visuals. But it's not without its issues. As I guess is to be expected given the nature of its birth, there are technical hiccups and bugs, several of which forced me to reload my game on more than a few occasions (sometimes not triggering an event necessary to progress, sometimes essential items couldn't be interacted with, and on a couple of instances closing the game and spitting me back out to Steam). Loading can also take a while, though in fairness, that's most likely due to the fact the rooms aren't in fixed locations, plus it only seems to load once at the start rather than room by room and is seamless thereafter. Movement also feels somewhat sluggish and cumbersome, though whether this is by design to add to the fear, or a result of poor programming is debatable. Overall this ends up feeling like a very advanced prototype or proof of concept more than a fully-fledged game, and I really do hope it's developed further by the team into a greater experience. Despite its flaws, it really does have so much going for it well beyond a lot of other games in the genre made by more experienced people with more resources and hints at greater things to come for the young talents. So, if you're a fan of horror and have the patience and tolerance to see past its blemishes, then I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with Kraven Manor.
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Nov. 2014
This is a really well done, VERY short game with relatively little replay value... it would be a rental if such things still existed. I would reccomend purchasing it on sale. What it does, it does very well. The game is creepy, well orchestrated, has some neat lay-out mechanics, and gives a nice feeling of unease throughout the story... the problem is that there just isn't much story. There's no intro or reason why you're in the manor in the first place... no investigation is mentioned, and the clues to the tale are scattered minimally throughout the game. The antagonist is effectively creepy until you figure out the mechanic behind the attacks and how to stay safe... and at that point, the game suddenly begins to feel like a rail haunted house ride. You're there to experience a mostly linear story, and you can do it in relative safety. It just doesn't feel like it at first. If I knew there would be more game added on to what's already here, I'd recommend it at full price. As is, its just really far too short.
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Oct. 2014
For those considering buying this game, know that it is REALLY SHORT. If you're comfortable with purchasing a game you can finish in around an hour for the listed price, go for it. This is a good game. Fairly predictable, yet surprising in it's own ways. I enjoyed it.
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Kraven Manor
Demon Wagon Studios
Demon Wagon Studios
Release 26 Sep 2014