Quick Lurker's Guide to the GVH/Snoot Game Drama To those who haven't got a clue what's going on, Snoot Game was made after GVH was revealed but before it was released - Snoot was initially a whole anti-trans thing by some 4channers that became a full parody game under the dev name Cavemanon. GVH was released by KO_OP after Snoot. Wani was released by Cavemanon after that, as a standalone they could sell. I played Wani before knowing any of this, then Snoot, then GVH. Here's my rundown. Not knowing any of the drama while playing I Wani Hug That Gator, I didn't really get the feel that it was anti-trans. There was a lack of any queer characters or mentions, but it wasn't out of place, as it's a pretty focused story about art, disability, and the right way to support those you love. Wani is one of the most relatable things I've ever read, and has affected my life even more than Night In The Woods. I cannot recommend that game enough. Most of the beef is about Snoot. Snoot Game is definitely anti-trans. This mainly manifests in Fang being extremely hostile about misgendering in initial scenes, then falling into some odd, mostly swept under the rug "they're just confused" arc and changing back to female pronouns. I've heard that some of the original writing was much more troublesome, but was dialed back by the others on the Cavemanon team, and any anti-queer sentiment seemed to have been squashed by the time writing started for Wani. Most likely, others on the team were much less vitriolic, and a shift in the fanbase to include a lot more trans furries put pressure to can the 4chan brand hate, as Wani was their own IP they could sell and money could be lost by alienating fans. As for the game itself, it's worth a slog through if you're willing to put up with the edgier 4channer thought processes of the main character. More worth it if you're from that side of the internet. Under the gunk, there's actually a solid story about realizing there's people around you, going through things just the same as you. If only the anti-trans elements of Cavemanon fully understood that for themselves... As for GVH, There's a couple odd plotholes, but the story and characters were gripping enough to keep me fully engaged for the straight 6 hours it took to play... and left me with a pretty big hole in my chest. This game is a metaphor for COVID and nailed the feeling of uncertainty and doom one feels not only about graduating high school, but also jumping right into the age of the aforementioned metaphor afterwards. There's inspiration, love, and a pit of pain to be found in this story, and it does tell it really well through the moments the characters have with each other. Nearly every scene has its part to play in showing you how the characters are feeling and dealing with the change around them. However, there WAS a change in writers that you can feel in a few parts of the story - those aforementioned plotholes. It's not enough to throw the story off its tracks, but it does mess with the pacing a bit. The tracks are total bangers, and the action of the music minigame reflects that feel. The animations and voicelines are usually great, but do suffer a bit of QA oversight every once in a while. The UI is smooth and nice to look at, and I'm a fan of being able to see your relationships at a quick glance. The people at KO_OP did great work with this one, and I highly recommend it... but probably on a sale, as it is pretty short. When it comes to the split in communities, there's good and bad in both. I've plodded around the different discords, and there's a lot of bad blood there, as the particularly hateful types from Cavemanon's fanbase have raided anything and everything KO_OP numerous times. It's gotten to the point that any mention of- or indication that you're into- either Wani or Snoot will get you straight up attacked and likely banned on the KO_OP discord. I can understand being on edge after some heavy 4chan raiding, but some chilling the hell out is in order, especially when one joins the server just looking for fanfics and gets freaked out at over a profile banner. There's a couple good fics to get recommended on the KO_OP discord, some good fan art and a neat tarot card bot, but otherwise not much substantial happening over there. Mostly just people fangirling over the characters, sometimes a good convo or real talk starts up. As for the Snoot Club discord, there's a total mess of 4channers throwing dung in the general chats, just avoid those unless that's your cup of tea. There's a pretty good selection of fanfics and a few fanmade games/mods to get recommended, pretty killer fan art and more chill conversations in the production chats, as of the time of this writing. Worth a check if you're desperate for story continuations or copefics after reading Snoot or Wani. I can't recommend stepping too far into either community unless you're really needing some extra fan content. TL;DR, It's a fustercluck of racist and transphobic 4channers pissing off a bunch of quick to anger queer kids who don't know that the only way to win against a troll is to block and not engage. Even lurkers like me get sucked into the drama. My advice: enjoy the games, move on if you can, dig for fics if you can't.
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