Having played over 102 hours in 3 games (including the tutorial), and I still have plenty left to learn (have a spreadsheet with over 40 notes about the game play, and expect to double after a couple more games). First post tutorial game was 35 hours, playing in small galaxy. Took 44 hours to play a game in a medium size galaxy, but the pace was faster because of a better outstanding (6.5 turns per hour vs. 7.9 turns per hour). Pros [*]Extremely addicting. Can put up a lot of resistance to starting or resuming a game, but once I'm playing, cannot stop. (Just one more turn.) Haven't gotten this sucked in since Stars! & Empire Deluxe . [*]Stellar graphics. Have the settings max'ed out, and it's probably the best-looking game on my computer. [*] DW2 killer. After playing GalCiv4 , I've totally lost interest, and won't even consider playing Distant Worlds 2 ; the game play in the later is nowhere near as much fun. [*]Research tree, is very deep. Even after playing over 200 turns in one game, never even saw battle cruisers. The 50% is a good idea, because it presents with more interesting choices. Frequently, the player is presented with multiple options of what to research next. (You mean I cannot research them all, now? Can only pick one?) [*]So many included races to play (23 predefined), all with different attributes. Only played the 2 human civilizations & a moth civilization, and had to adjust my play style between them. Then add what can be done with custom races. [*]Complex game play, but approachable. Read a comment back in September 2023 about it requiring a long-term commitment to wrap your head around it; scarred me away from purchasing it for 4 months. IT'S NOT THAT BAD. Tutorial helps, but expect lots of trial-and-error, as well as having to post questions to this forum. (After playing 2 games, I didn't understand trade routes or tourism.) [*]Both the developers & existing player base are extremely helpful. Having difficulty with some game play concept? Post your question. [*]Breaking the map up into sectors. Having one big blob of a galactic map is realistic, but daunting. [*]Automation of planet management is an option, but haven't used it yet. Cons [*]One tax rate for the entire empire, not a planet-by-planet basis, like DW2. My #1 gripe in the game play. Have a core world with only 47% approval rating? Would love to lower their tax rate only, leave everyone else's where it is. [*]Research Tree: Good, but could be better. Game has only 4 major branches, and the display of the tree doesn't show any cross linking. (Descriptions in DW2 are lacking, but it got this part right.) Summarizing, more branches & add cross dependencies. [*]Allow ship yards to be idle. Sometimes, you would rather save resources. (On the bright side, you tell a shipyard to keep being a particular ship model, until you tell it otherwise.) [*]Some areas where the player is given choices, more info should be provided to help the player make a decision. (Sorry devs, don't have examples.) There are areas when the player is provided the positive & negative consequences of each choice ... but it's not a universal feature. [*]Mangled text in a few locations. Only reported one instance that I saw. (My bad.) But the good news is that the development team is cleaning those up. [*]Tutorial: Missing planet hex types (e.g. Financial, Manufacturing, Housing, etc., etc.), planet hex type leveling up, and Trade Routes. Tutorial shouldn't overwhelm the new player, but at the same time, it should provide the basics to play the game; first 2 are very important mechanics, and I didn't learn about the 2nd one until late in the second game. Who this is NOT for : [*]RTS fanatics. This is turn-based, and demands that all production queues have something in them. Cannot just the game run, and wait for something to happen, as with DW2 . [*]No micro management of fleet battles. Move a fleet (or ship) into an enemy's hex, and watch the battle play out, or skip right to the summary. [*]Complete a game in one evening? Not the game for you. I make it a point to take my sweet little old time on these sorts of game, so the hours played per game at the top of this review are on the high side, but I also kept the # of opponents below what is suggested. [*]Indecisive personality? Besides the management of your empire, you are bombarded with questions that require an executive decision; typically when a survey ship completes its analysis of anomaly. [*]Expecting to learn all of the game play mechanics after playing the tutorial? Forget it! Too much depth, and I expect to be learning new aspects of the game play, even after 250 hours. [*]Are you a pacifist, and disdain conflict? Not for you, though there might be a way. Tried being peaceful in my 2 full games, and even they were dragging on for an eternity, found that I have no choice but purge my neighbors from the galaxy. War: Embrace it, or buy a puzzle instead. This review didn't do the game justice, and the videos, while helpful, don't either. And you DEFINITELY will not get through enough of the tutorial in the 2-hour Steam return window. Still have questions? Post them in the Steam forum, Stardock's GalCiv4 forum, or Discord.
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