Dishonored 2

Reprise your role as a supernatural assassin in Dishonored 2. Declared a “masterpiece” by Eurogamer and hailed “a must-play revenge tale” by Game Informer, Dishonored 2 is the follow up to Arkane’s 1st-person action blockbuster & winner of 100+ 'Game of the Year' awards, Dishonored.

Dishonored 2 is a stealth, first-person and action game developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks.
Released on November 11th 2016 is available only on Windows in 10 languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish - Spain, Polish, Portuguese - Brazil, Russian, Traditional Chinese and Japanese.

It has received 61,025 reviews of which 54,518 were positive and 6,507 were negative resulting in a rating of 8.8 out of 10. 😎

The game is currently priced at 2.99€ on Steam and has a 90% discount.

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These are the minimum specifications needed to play the game. For the best experience, we recommend that you verify them.

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS *: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit versions)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320 or better
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7970 3GB or better
  • Storage: 60 GB available space


Explore reviews from Steam users sharing their experiences and what they love about the game.

Dec. 2024
Пройшовши Dishonored 2, я можу з упевненістю сказати, що це одна з найкращих ігор, у які я грав. Усе, що мені подобалося в першій частині, тут було вдосконалено та розширено. Сюжет захоплює з перших хвилин: інтриги, зрада, моральні дилеми — кожне рішення змушує замислитися над його наслідками. Гра дає велику свободу дій. Я пробував різні підходи: від тихого, непомітного проходження до відкритих сутичок із використанням усіх здібностей. Кожен стиль приносить своє задоволення, а рівні побудовані так, щоб їх можна було дослідити знову й знову, щоразу знаходячи щось нове. Мені сподобались нові механіки та здібності персонажів. Вони відкривають нові можливості для креативної гри. Особливо сподобалося, що розробники не відійшли від основ і гра все ще реагує на мої дії: світ змінюється залежно від вибору, а фінал залежить від того, яким шляхом я йшов. Це змусило мене повернутися до гри ще раз, щоб побачити інші варіанти. Візуально гра просто неймовірна. Кожна локація наповнена деталями, які хочеться роздивлятися. Від прилавків до архітектури будинків — усе виглядає живим і реалістичним. Я однозначно рекомендую її всім, хто цінує якісні пригодницькі екшени з глибоким сюжетом і свободою вибору.
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Oct. 2024
more of the same great gameplay and actually more non-lethal options which I think is great
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Aug. 2024
I never play a single player campaign game twice....until Dishonored 2. Completing it in low and high chaos is like playing two dif games. Such a blast. RIP Arkane, this game is a masterpiece.
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May 2024
Dishonored 2, despite being my least favourite entry in the series was still one of the best games developed in it's time. As such the closure of Arkane Au., the soul of every one of the Dishonored games and of course Prey and Deathloop, is one of the biggest deaths of creativity in recent gaming years and should show that Microsoft is a money hungry company, that does not have the players or developers interest at heart. Do not be fooled, just like every other mega corporation, they will kill any and every franchise if it does not meet their spreadsheet. Godspeed Arkane, DH3 would have shaked the world and it sucks that you were not even allowed to pitch it; it sucks that you were forced to name Prey this way; it sucks that all the talent behind the games is not allowed to continue under a single umbrella with the franchises they helped create. Please if you have love for the games created by Arkane go look up on Linkedin who created the favourite parts of your franchises and see what they are up to now. As an example Weird West is spearheaded by former DH developers, give them a chance, I'm sure you'll like the game. And don't give Microsoft another fucking cent.
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March 2024
the problem with dishonored is that there exist other games—games that are not dishonored—and when i play those games, i can't help but feel disappointed in them for their failure to be dishonored. you see why this is a problem: surely i can't just play dishonored. that would jeopardize my whole identity as a gamer. a gamer plays, you know, games . in the plural. a gamer can't just play one game, or even just a single franchise. there are rules. lines in the sand. one has one's reputation to think of, after all. so i resign myself to playing other games, just to keep up appearances. i keep my nose clean, my teeth gritted, and my investments, shall we say, diversified. i bide my time. and when i'm sure i've racked up enough hours playing skyrim and FNV and XCOM, when i'm sure my record won't raise any red flags with the Gaming Police, i finally let myself slink back to the game that ruined all other games for me. dishonored 2, in particular, requires caution on my part. games don't make me cry. this one does. the last game that made me feel anything in the ballpark of dishonored 2 was half-life. yes, half-life, from all those years ago. it put me in a kind of fugue state for a few weeks after i finished my first playthrough. young thing that i was, i hadn't seen the end coming. and when it came, all i could think was, "my god, what have i done?" but that was then, and i had dignity enough to keep dry-eyed. that dignity is long gone. here i am, reduced to a blubbering idiot by a stray journal entry i happened to read in dishonored 2? what the hell happened to the person i used to be, the person who actually kind of enjoyed the wanton sadism of GTA? you want to know what's really pathetic, though? i don't mod the dishonored games. i mod everything else. i have to. i don't even know who plays vanilla skyrim anymore, but you just can't do it, right? modifying the quests and textures, that's one thing, sure. but just all the simple QOL mods you need, like glowing ore veins, aren't really optional. they're necessary. i don't mod dishonored. i can't mod dishonored. nothing needs fixing. there is nothing i would change. not a single thing. thus ends the tale of how dishonored dishonored me.
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Steam data 19 November 2024 21:08
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Dishonored 2
Online players
Arkane Studios
Bethesda Softworks
Release 11 Nov 2016