This is good but expensive and confusing game. Trying to understand the DLCs is like banging your head against a brick wall. Once you understand it it's not that crazy, but the naming convention really sucks. From other reviews (many of them near the top) you might feel like this edition would be missing stuff, but it's not the case anymore. Regardless of where you buy the English version you will have access to everything that English version has... eventually. In general if you want the DLCs ASAP you have to buy them from the developer webpage. It takes approximately one year before they appear on Steam, even though they are already translated. You can use the DLCs purchased at the site with the Steam version, but it's a bit of hassle. I'd suggest buying the base game plus GP series of DLC. X series of DLC is very boring and bland. Don't confuse regular GP series with GP DLCs for personality DLC. Yes, this game has DLCs for DLCs. The base game comes with 3 personalities, and most of the DLC is compatible mostly with those personalities. As your game expands you will notice more and more that non-base game personalities are just inferior in the amount of stuff you can do with them. Even if you pour all the money you can into getting all stuff for new personalities. The newer personality it is the worse it becomes. Ok, but what is the game even? It's pretends to be club management sim. It starts a bit slow with training your initial maids, and before you get the stuff rolling, rooms build. Once you build and upgrade everything you start racking in crazy cash, and there's really no reason to get any cash. There are some shops, but you'll buy everything very quickly, and DLCs add clothing directly to your inventory, so you'll never need money anymore. You can watch your maids work, and that raises their friendship with you. As you improve friendship you get events with them, and can become lovers and even married (assuming you have GP DLCs). Harem is allowed. You can also get some friendship by talking to the before yotogi (fancy word for naughty time), but this can, at best, give you +5 points, same as just watching them. By working your maids also will get levels, which is the only way to improve their stamina during yotogi. No matter how much you do yotogi their points won't change, which is a bit illogical. The problem is watching maids work is pretty boring as you always get the same cutscene, unless they improve at their job. But it takes so much time you'll marry them before they mastered even single job... And leveling up the classes also takes forever, so you'll mostly be doing yotogi with very small stamina. At the initial parts of the game you will constantly be interrupted by main story, which mostly resolves around idol band of maids. This is pretty frustrating, as it sometimes involves long scenes, and unskippable dance numbers. The game can only be saved during planning phases, so after doing your whole evening section you might be stuck in 30-60 minute long cutscenes. I had multiple times when I just had to quit the game without saving and lose progress, because I didn't have time to play anymore. Fortunately once you finish up the story this won't happen anymore. In my opinion this game REQUIRES use of the mods. Despite this game being as expensive as it is there are some terrible UI issues still present. For example list of available events has no filtering, sorting, or any way to quickly choose what you need. As you get up in maids and DLCs you might have hundreds of events and finding the one you want to play becomes a challenge. Furthermore some of them are repeatable and will never go away, so you are stuck with list you cannot manage. There's a plugin for it... The VR experience... They made the whole game play in VR, which is commendable. Unfortunately it's half-backed. Your POV will be based on "flat" directing of cutscenes. So you will often be outside of your body, looking from the side. Even in yotogi scenes you might be inside someone else, especially in 4P content. You can drag your POV into your head, but the game will change it every 1-2 sentences anyway, so VR is pretty unusable... Without plugings. There's a plugin that teleports you to your own head which is just great. Unfortunately there are some scenes without "head" to teleport to, and those might place you in some strange spot... The controls in VR are also pretty awful(quest 2). Your whole UI is put onto magical tablet you can summon, and the tablet won't follow you, if you move around it will stay where you left it. Moving is also pretty bad, since press of thumbstick is used to confirm anything. You also can't scroll trough the lists as they will then get broken. You can get used to everything, but the controls and POVs should be fixed. One more thing. The game starts with hundreds of very dry, long and boring tutorials. Full page text dumps. It's very hard to read in VR, so I'd suggest to start playing for first few hours in flat mode, to get used to all the quirks of the game. The game has many systems that are not really connected to each other. You have guest mode, which will make maids get relations with guests... but it has no relation on main game. You have "living mode", which has tons of events, which don't do anything for the main mode. You might get some stuff done in Yotogi, but in events the character will "forget" everything that happened. Go throught NTR paths and they will forget anything happened as soon as it ended. (There is NTR block too, which will filter out any such events and yotogi skills). Finally you learn skills by doing certain actions, but if you experience those actions outside of yotogi scenes there will be no skill experience. Some of later DLCs also add rooms for yotogi that don't allow you to use almost any skills at them. You have no indication of which, if any, skills will be available at the location you're choosing. It made me mostly keep to the first location, as it seems to have the most skills available. I don't think there's any technical reason to block so many skills. On contrary, there's plugin that allows you to switch backgrounds at will, and everything just works... Also in "Exchange" set of skills the model used will always be the MC, which makes little sense. But despite all those problems this game works fine as kinda "sims" game. You make the story, you do whatever you want. Got bored of one character, you create another. Once you get character with 9999 in some yotogi stat you can push up stats of other maids very quickly, as you unlock "advanced" training for new characters. This game also has this strange thing where majority of the events will happen fully clothed, and you can't adjust it. It makes very little sense, considering what is happening. There is dress adjustment system, but you can use it only during karaoke and dances.... Well, unless you install plugin that allows it everywhere... Overall it might be the best game of this type on Steam, but developers should try to improve UI and overal experience, instead of just pumping out new content. Add save anywhere, event filtering, clothing change during events (at least where it makes sense), improve speed at which jobs are learned and levels gained etc., allow maids to be reordered in maid admin(again, plugin does that for me, but I shouldn't need plugins for such and expensive game), and fix VR to keep to the MC, and ideally redo the controls completely. I'd say it's fun, but could be so much better... Oh, and please, make the Steam releases of DLC much faster. I won't buy them on S-court no matter how long you keep them hostage, as I find automatic installation of DLCs too high of a value.
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