What. A. Ride! This. Is. The. Way. To. End. The. Trilogy! It's such a masterpiece but it's one that needs a tiny bit of tuning. About: Corpse Party: Blood Drive The story takes place two months after the end of Book of Shadows, which was the second entry in the Corpse Party series. If you're new to Corpse Party, first play Corpse Party 2021 (Corpse Party: Blood Covered), then Corpse Party: Book of Shadows and lastly this game. I won't share the story because it would spoil it. Play and learn for yourself! Blood Drive vs. Blood Covered & Book of Shadows There are a lot of differences! 1. The game map and characters are now in 3D unlike previous entries! Sprites shown in dialogue as well as gallery/artwork remain 2D though! 2. There is a new hiding mechanic now. There are also traps in Heavenly Host that you have to look out for or else you'll be damaged. 3. There are a HANDFUL of new characters! Most are side characters but they're all crucial to this new story. 5. Because of how Corpse Party 2021 ended, there is a new method to enter and escape Heavenly Host which SURPRISE, SURPRISE! STILL EXISTS! You'll learn why it still exists as you play and learn how it formed in the first place as well. 6. The biggest difference is all about the horror experience though! This game is absolutely FRIGHTENING! It is scarier than the previous entries in the series! I was so scared that I began using guides towards the final chapters! 7. Sprites are in their best quality yet! What I loved about Corpse Party: Blood Drive 1. The ending. Without a doubt. That was the ending we all wanted and the ending we all fought for since Book of Shadows. The ending almost fooled me until the very end. Absolutely loved it - that was the best way to end this trilogy. 2. Sprites & Artwork. I just loved seeing it all HD and so vibrant. 3. The Sayaka and Harayuki part in Chapter 10. It felt satisfying to witness Sayaka put a wild Harayuki to rest. 4. In an extra chapter, we finally learned how Morshige died in Corpse Party 2021. Book of Shadows showed a non-canon way, this game showed the canon way. Watching the canon way was satisfying. It was a really sad extra but I absolutely loved it. It really showed that Shige wasn't always a corpse photo loving insane character the moment he entered Heavenly Host and that he was still human inside and had respect for the dead (remember how he put Mayu in a Ziploc bag - that's respect!). The extra chapter proved that he wasn't like Kizami as he said. And I caught onto Team GrisGris sticking to their promise from Corpse Party 2021 about Shige and Kizami maybe meeting again someday. Great way to end the confusion about the Morshige character following Corpse Party 2021's ending! What I disliked about Corpse Party: Blood Drive 1. Many lines don't have voice acting. Why...? :((( 2. I loved how their was controller support for this entry but I hated how there were no default controls for my new gen Xbox controller. Had to set it all up myself. 3. Bug: On two occasions I couldn't click on "Options" and "Bonuses". Had to restart the game to fix it. 4. Bug: Had to lower my FPS to 60 for the Chapter 9 den chase with Satoshi and Yuka. It's apparently a really old bug, why hasn't it been fixed yet? 5. Bug: Forgot which Chapter (guessing 0), Kishinuma's legs and hands clips through roof railing while eating lunch with Satoshi and Kuon Sensei. 6. Maybe a skill issue but it felt like our stamina was a bit too low. We should be able to run a few more seconds. 7. Sometimes you have too limited time to make choices. I had a few times where I was still reading the choices and the timer ended so I locked myself into a bad ending without meaning to. 8. Book of Shadows was easier and had temp saves. Why did you guys scrape that concept for Blood Drive? It would have been really useful for this harder entry. Didn't like how we couldn't temp save. 9. I understood the story but it felt a tiny bit complicated or overwhelming to digest since it's so much new story being told at once. I think it's because of Magari and Mitsuo's background stories. 10. Phantoms disappear at cutscenes but will be back in the place they last were after the cutscene. I wish they permanently disappeared when we entered cutscenes. 11. Bug: The first time after I went through the long cutscene with Magari, Ayumi and Aiko about Naho's hairpin at Second Wing Floor 2, my screen went black so I had to go through that cutscene again. I know I have listed a lot of cons, but they're all minor and don't diminish the overall gaming experience. This is a horror game - it's meant to scare you. Was I scared, pooping my pants? Yes. Then the horror game is good. The pros of Blood Drive outweigh the cons. I have 100% beat the game but still got to read how victims died and listen to soulful testimonies. I'll happily get to that. Lastly, fantastic job Team GrisGris! The tech, experience and art in Blood Drive surpassed any previous Corpse Party! Overall Rating: 9/10
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