The English localization and UI is very jank and some aspects of the game are not well explained but it all just kind of... clicks together and works. The game is surprisingly fun and I often found myself going "Just one more day." That's a good sign of an engaging game, this is definitely a case of don't judge a book by its cover. There is a lot of build diversity and interesting depth you can get into with how you build your mechs. You can be fast, slow but tanky as hell, run and gun, melee (which got a revamp recently, it feels a lot better and cooler to use), elemental builds which do have interactions with other elements (like combining fire and ice to weaken armor), and literally almost everything can be customized or enhanced in some way. From the weapons your drones use, to the enhancement of said drone weapons, to even NPC mechs and turret emplacements that can be customized as much as your own mechs can be. Flamethrower turret? Sure, why not? Base management is simple but I liked doing it in between fights, it boils down to mostly spend your action points to do activities and order workers to do stuff every day but there is some nice quality-of-life features built in that let you quickly do these menial tasks with a single click which is appreciated. Having to manage your squad's stress meant rotating them in and out of battle which lets you try out different mech builds. However if you have a favorite you like to play you can still do that fairly easily by keeping their stress down with gifts to continue sending them in to fight. It doesn't force you to bench them if you don't want to. I don't have too much to say on the story because of the less than ideal localization, but I understood enough of it to piece together what was happening. You and your squad are city gate guards who have to stop an empire from breaking through, surviving 100 days. While you progress, you start to learn how poorly the war effort is going as the empire's main forces slowly draws closer to your base. This directly translates to gameplay, as the higher ups demand more and more taxes from you to keep up with the situation. Yes, as you might've read from other reviews, you can commit tax evasion. 10/10 The story is serviceable, but I enjoyed getting to learn about my squadmates bit by bit. It's nothing mindblowing since the cutscenes are fairly short, but it was enough that I wanted them to make it through the war. I also liked the... personality graph thing. I don't know what it's called, but essentially it's a radar chart showing your protagonist's personality, whether they're reasonable, philanthropic, radical, or selfish, conservative, or fanatic. These stats go up depending on how you respond to certain events (like allowing your workers to take a day off because they're sick raises philanthropy) or by reading books. What's interesting is that even though some of these are clearly intended to be the "right" thing to aim for, there are perks and benefits to going towards the opposite personality trait. For example, the game does lean towards how your government and military is very corrupt, clearly doesn't care about its soldiers, and how your squad aren't exactly beaming supporters of them. You're inclined to revolt against their policies, becoming more reasonable and educated by reading banned books, being radical, philanthropic, etc which all grant you very nice rewards like more action points, reduced stress, and more ally deployments. But you can absolutely go in the other direction and become a simp for the government and still get decent benefits for it. It's nowhere near as good as the other option, but I appreciate the devs for allowing you to mold the protagonist however you like. This game has a lot of interesting things going for it, too much for me to really cover in a way that does it justice. Worth noting while it only took me about 20-ish hours to beat the main story's 100 days, there's a good amount of replayability still. There's an endless mode, starting bonuses you can get by unlocking achievements, various challenge modes, a survival mode, even a side story for one of the characters that allows stealth gameplay. I haven't even touched any of this yet (but I plan to after this review) but all this content for 10 bucks sounds pretty reasonable. There's even mod support on the workshop. If you're still on the fence, there's a demo available you can try to see if its your cup of tea. Give it some time and see if it clicks with you like it did for me. This game is weird, but it's just... good. I liked it, despite the jankiness. The game's still getting periodic updates, with a major DLC in the works. The devs clearly care about this project, and I wish them the best in their future endeavors. I don't know if my insane ramblings of a review can do this game justice, but if it doesn't for you check out Splattercat's review on it, which was how I discovered this diamond in the rough to begin with. Oh and Claire is best girl, don't @ me.
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