Breath of Death VII

Resurrect the classic era of RPGs with the retro parody RPG, Breath of Death VII: The Beginning. Join Dem the Skeleton Knight, Sara the ghost historian, Lita the vampire techie, and Erik the zombie prince as they explore an undead world in search of the secrets of the past. Laugh! Cry! Laugh some more!

Breath of Death VII is a jrpg, rpg and funny game developed and published by Zeboyd Digital Entertainment LLC.
Released on July 13th 2011 is available in English only on Windows.

It has received 1,415 reviews of which 1,184 were positive and 231 were negative resulting in a rating of 8.0 out of 10. 😊

The game is currently priced at 2.99€ on Steam.

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These are the minimum specifications needed to play the game. For the best experience, we recommend that you verify them.

  • OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
  • Processor: 1.6Ghz or higher
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 200 MB
  • Video Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
  • DirectX®: 9.0c compatible
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
  • Additional: Current version of Windows Media Player


Explore reviews from Steam users sharing their experiences and what they love about the game.

Jan. 2025
This is a VERY short old-school styled RPG, taking around 5 hours to beat (or 6-7 if you want to tackle the optional boss and do the necessary level grinding). It's more so a parody and homage to the beginning games of Breath of Fire, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, so the writing and story is not really anything special or captivating. That being said, it is still a very fun game, with some unique mechanics that I think serve the game very well. For Random battles, each area only has a certain amount of random battles before they atop appearing, however if you need to grind gold or experience, you can always choose the "FIGHT" option from the menu even after your allotted random battles are used up. In addition, after each turn the enemies will get 10% stronger so you do have a pseudo time limit to finish battles quickly, but to make up for this, your HP is fully restored after each fight. This mechanic of making enemies stronger after each turn means boss fights become challenging as you need to kill them before their attacks just starting wiping your party. Each party member only has about 5 pieces of equipment they can get in the game, all straight upgrades from each other, so you don't need to worry too much about min-maxing equipment, just play and enjoy. I would say it is worth the $3 bundle along with Cthulhu Saves the World. It will provide a nice palate cleanser from all the 100+ hour games I know you have been playing. Do note that there is a Remastered version called "Breath of Death VII: The Beginning - Reanimated" which actually has Steam Achievements and has received an upgraded art style from 8-bit to 16-bit. If you enjoyed this game, you should get that one too.
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Dec. 2024
A fun retro RPG which gives old school Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy vibes that is worth checking out! Plenty of fun dialogue and 4th wall breaks to make even the most calloused of gamers smile. A short adventure you can complete in an evening in about 6 hours or less (I did a decent amount of grinding as I find joy in maxing character stats). The first RPG entry in the Zeboyd Games library is worth checking out as you will get many references here that will make more sense in the company's later games like Cthulhu Save the World or Cosmic Star Heroine. Please support small creators as they are fans just like you!
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Oct. 2024
Breath of Death VII is one of the best retro RPGs I’ve played in a while. The game perfectly captures the charm of old-school RPGs with a modern twist. The humor, turn-based combat, and pixel art all come together to create a memorable experience. I spent 20 hours thoroughly enjoying the adventure, with each battle and joke adding to its nostalgic appeal. For anyone who loves classic RPGs with a fun, lighthearted story, this game is absolutely worth the time. Time Investment: 20 hours Value Rating: 9/10 Stay focused. Keep grinding.
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Oct. 2024
I've had it in my library for years and eventually thought i'd give it a go. Even though I have not played a lot of JRPGs I really enjoyed this. The stand out for me is the great humor. It really is very funny and there are many laugh at loud moments be it from the story, the chat between party members or the ridiculous enemies you come up against. If you just want to try and experience the game and don't want to dedicate a lot of time to it i'd recommend playing it on easy and blasting through the random battles as quickly as possible. Theres not a huge amount of choice in the game as far as your party setup goes but if you setup DEM for strength and tanking/damage, SARA for magic and healing, LITA for magic and damage and ERIK for strength and tanking/damage you really can't go wrong.
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May 2024
If you're not into the earlier Dragon Quest games or the plethora of imitators that they have spawned, then you won't like this. Just don't even consider this game, because it has gone full speed into that direction. So, this game. My biggest issue would have to be how hard it tries to subvert one's expectations. Now, this was before it became all the rage with a bad space conflict movie from a studio division run by a lich, so I can't say that it's a case of bandwagon riding. But what I can say is that it's the worst aspect. You see that chest in a dungeon behind a locked door? You're never getting it, and the game makes it clear that you can try all you want, you ain't getting it. That chest in a town? Nope, true heroes don't take things from the townsfolk. That chest behind a door? No sir, there's no unlocking that door, even if you're Jill Valentine. it's not quirky or zany or amusing, it's just annoying. Don't do that. Oh, that's the other issue, the tongue in cheek references. Yeah, I get it, you played other games, especially ones based off of Dragon Quest. You know that some games had their name changed in the west. It's not funny or cute, it's just annoying. What else is annoying? How paper thin the characters are, and how everything just sort of happens because it needs to happen for the sake of the so called plot. Bosses just appear from nowhere, your entire main story doesn't even really start until you're three of four characters deep, and even then, it's a vague excuse to keep going. Characters have nothing going for them, outside of a basic character trait. Dem is a silent protagonist type... because he doesn't have a tongue. Sara is supposedly into archaeology, but that's the plot excuse to get her in the party, she's really just the mage and healer. Lita is basically Lucca from Chrono Trigger, only she breaks machines instead of making them, and uses Earth/Lightning/Dark instead of fire. But still uses guns. Erik is French. Yes, that's his character. He's French. At least he's not a frog, like Breath of Fire 2. But he's even more French than Ekaru Hoppe de pe Jean, which is amazing, since that's so French that I had to start eating snails covered in sauce with a crusty bread halfway through copy pasting it. So what's good about this game? The gameplay. I mean, if you like early Dragon Quest. Which I do, so hey, I like it. It also tries, vaguely, to have double techs from Chrono Trigger, in the form of Unite attacks, and it even has an all party attack, but only gained so late into the game that it's basically worthless, unless you go for the bonus dungeon. Unless you did the bonus dungeon before the final dungeon, like me. Whoops. You also have some control over character builds, skills and stats wise. Every level up comes with a choice to make between an A and B option (up until level 31 or so, when they just both become the same thing), and while most of the time it's just what stats you gain (so yes, you can spec your mage into a beat the crap out of enemies with her staff type), you sometimes get an option for a skill. Now, most of these skills are pretty simple combat and magic. Dem can learn to cast fire magic or set his sword on fire. Sara can learn healing spells and water/ice spells. Lita can learn Earth/Lightning/Dark/gun skills and spells. Erik... um... does zombie things. But you can also learn passive abilities, such as doing an extra attack in combat, or your healing spells also revive fallen characters, or a spell will do damage and have a chance to inflict a status ailment. Dem can gain stances that boost attack at the cost of defense, or the other way around. He can also gain an ability that can buff the entire party for 25% of every stat... or himself for 100%. But more, there are level ups that allow you to enhance previously learned things, or modify them. For example, Erik starts with Regenerate, which lets a single character regen health, but later on, he can change it to an all party effect. Lita's elemental spells that can be changed to target all, or target random. It's not extremely deep or tactical, but there are level ups that you can agonize over, because you can't have all of them. Do you really want that extra hit, or whatever other benefit that it's up against? Do you really want that elemental spell to hit harder, or hit a little softer but also have a chance to reduce enemy agility? While the story barely qualifies as such, the ending is... well, it's different. It's not actually what I was expecting, and it's so out of left field that I'm conflicted on if it's just another lazy subversion or if it's actually good for how odd it is. I'm torn on the enemy encounter system. See, the game tries to discourage you from grinding by giving you a set number of encounters per dungeon/floor that, once exhausted, means you cannot get any more random battles. But because the game has to let you level grind for harder difficulties, it's offset by going into the menu to start a random battle, which you can do as many times as you want. While this is at least sort of clever, because it means you're clearing a dungeon, or enemies are getting smarter and just avoiding the death train, the fact that they let you just start encounters at will ruins the whole notion. But at the same time, I can see how it would be lame to never be able to fight another enemy in a given dungeon, especially if I needed a level up. The only inventory in the game is a single weapon and single armor slot for every character. That's it. No accessories, not even items to use in battle. Sort of. You can find potions in chests that act as a full HP heal and revive, but they're limited. You usually have more than you need, so there's no real worries. Oh yes, battles fully refill your HP and revive fallen characters at the end of battle. But not MP. You regain some MP after battle, depending on how quickly you finish. You can also, very late, gain passives that boost regained MP, but it's not a lot. So you have to conserve MP through a dungeon. Or be me and just spam all the random battles through the menu fight option while standing next to a save point that refills all your MP. But that option doesn't exist in the bonus dungeon with the superboss, so uh, have fun with that. Also, as time goes by, those MP refill points become further apart, so if you're not ruining the system for yourself, it becomes an actual challenge to balance MP use to how far you think it is to the next save point. And no, while they are save points, they're not the only way to save. You can save at any time. But if you're going for a more purist run, they can function at the only save option. And now, we're back to "so, this game". It has its ups, its many down and its... sort of middles. It's a hard game to really recommend to most people. Really, I'm on the fence if I even liked it. If you're looking for a short game to ease you into these sorts of games, you can't do much better than this. If you're looking for another DQ styled game, then you might like this, even if it's short and basic. if you're looking for anything complex, lengthy and story rich, then uh... yeah, no. Don't touch it. This is a 51% thumbs up sort of thing. So take that for what it is. But the game is cheap and short, so you may not regret your purchase. Or you can just refund, because that's an option.
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Breath of Death VII
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Zeboyd Digital Entertainment LLC
Zeboyd Digital Entertainment LLC
Release 13 Jul 2011