I have a couple of hours in here so I know a few things. This is an honest review, from someone with more then 5k hours if I add the non-steam version. To break this down quickly and effectively here is how I will rate this game: 1. Community 2. Gameplay 3. Story/Quests 4. Graphics 5. Early/Endgame With that being said, here is what you can prepare for BDO in 2024. 1. Community. I start with the community because like in every MMORPG it has the biggest impact. If you want to play solo games, then there are plenty other choices. The problem with this game though, which used to be community driven, now feels like a solo MMO. I won't compare the "good old times" with what it is now. What you need to know is that, if you don't join in an active guild, there is close to 0 community in this game. Especially when seasons hit. Meaning that, there are times where BDO feels like it's dead, and all of the sudden it feels like it's christmass and the whole world is playing it. A lot of people, if not most of them, are returning players. They take breaks, and come back when the moment is right. I, am one of them. So what you can expect from the community is not like in other MMO's as the gameplay, which we will discuss next are now heavily concentrated in solo gaming. Excluding PVP. Conclusion: If you want to play the game solely because of the community aspect, you will be dissapointed. 2. Gameplay One of the best. If not the best in my own opinion. The combat system is incredibly amazing. Addicting, and forceful. The gameplay itself in BDO is like any other MMO. Vindictus comes a bit close with mechanical combos, but not as in depth as BDO. Every class has it's own specialty. And there are tons of materials you have to learn to get decent in combat with any class. Especially PVP. There are a lot of things you have to be aware of when fighting. The PVM aspect is very satisfying with any class. There is not much to talk about the Gameplay itself because it's simply divine in my opinion. It's really beyond any MMO I've ever experienced and the only one that made me into a human slob, couldn't get away from my keyboard for weeks on end. 3. Story/Quests The devs did an amazing job here. Story is rich, quests are plenty. Content is really huge, and it feels like there is no stop to it. If you are a beginner, you have plenty to go through. They revamped a few of the main quests, and made the story somewhat better. You can pick now various paths of certain stories in order to feel the game somwewhat differently even as a Veteran. You won't get bored if you are the Story and Questing type of MMO Player. 4. Graphics Now, I'm going to be honest. The game requires A LOT if you are playing for the visual purposes. If you are blessed to have an endgame PC that let's you play at the highest possible quality in BDO, you will get addicted instantly. Everything feels surreal. The combat, the landscape, the small details, the effects, literally everything. They put a lot of effort into it and you can see it. On the other hand, if you play on low settings, it can be frustrating. You won't really get the grasp of high quality MMO without playing with better resolution. That goes for BDO of course. There are other MMO's that let's you slip, excluding high graphics and still enjoy the game as you should. But I personally feel like, if you can't play BDO on a good-high resolution and quality, it doesn't offer you really quality visuals. So if you do have a great PC, you should absolutely give it a try, at least to experience the visuals which trust me, you won't be dissapointed. 5. Early/Endgame For new players, you're in luck. I said I won't be doing a comparison with the old days. But believe me, now? The game became quite easy, if not really easy-mode when starting out. Especially with the possibility with creating a Seasonal Character. Which when completing and reaching level 61, you are prepared for the early end-game. And that is achievable faster then you could imagine. You are guided and rewarded for every step you make in the game. Heavily. I know a lot would argue about better gearing, and you need to ivnest some real money to do this and that. But that is simply not true. It was true, back in the day where you would use your one month grinding savings to enhance something, failed and quit the game. But now, you can get around that very easily. You don't have that stress factor anymore. And BDO is not that competitive anymore as well. Meaning you don't need to spend a single dime to enjoy the game, even in end game. One thing I want to mention though, when it comes to buying in game things with real money, is that, there are certain benefits that help you a ton along your journey. Like a tent, some inventory space, weight and certain pets. But you are totally fine without them as well. Especially when starting out now. You will get so many valuable incredible things that were simply out of reach when I started playing. Like a dream horse. For free... yeah. If you don't know what it means, it simply means you will be quite fast around the huge map. Now for the sad part. I know, I know. The end game content. It's...boring. When you reach endgame, there always will be other stuff to pursue. Gear Wise. Content wise? Pretty much over. Spending hours on end in the same spot killing monsters ALONE. They implemented a few co-op things. But nothing really special. Or at least I don't see close to nobody doing them. Together. That's what I meant in point 1 with Community. The game feels at times dead. And there is not much to do but to grind for yourself, alone. If you are lucky enough to find a guild that is very active and do thigns together, it's different. Basically you create your own content, goals to pursue, and things to achieve, as well as stuff to do together. Conclusion: Early/Mid game, great. End game, boring if your focus is just getting stronger for no real apparent reason. So, here is a bonus insight: IF you never played BDO, it's worth the shot, the money, and the time invested. There are so many thigns to do. Really. At least until you truly learn everything about the game, you won't get bored. The nodes systems, the workers, the different life-skills that I haven't mentioned. There is really a lot to do and to get joy from. BDO is not only focused on Combat, given that it excells at it. But also, if not more, about the various things you can do and achieve within the game. My favorite gaming moments were made with BDO. I've been using my fingers on a keyboard since I was 6. I am 28 now. And this right here, is the game that brought me most joy in it's peak era. It might not be at it's peak now. But there is still room for new gaming experiences if you enjoy and love this hobby. This is one of the few reviews I actually put effort in. I hope you could gain some clarity from it. I appreciate you for reading this, and perhaphs we can bring in some more people into the game so it can grow.
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