Ball at Work: The Ultimate Speedrun Platformer!
Experience the thrill of the high-flying antics of the Crazy Ball as it bounces around the dysfunctional office. With unique and challenging gameplay that is easy to grasp, outrageous physics and plenty of fun content, this is one wacky office that you’d never want to leave!
Ball at Work: The Ultimate Speedrun Platformer! is a puzzle-platformer, precision platformer and platformer game
developed and published by Famous Dogg Studios.
Released on November 24th 2020 is available in English on Windows and MacOS.
It has received 429 reviews of which 363 were positive and 66 were negative resulting in a rating of 7.9 out of 10. 😊
The game is free to play on Steam.
The Steam community has classified Ball at Work: The Ultimate Speedrun Platformer! into these genres:
Media & Screenshots
Get an in-depth look at Ball at Work: The Ultimate Speedrun Platformer! through various videos and screenshots.
These are the minimum specifications needed to play the game. For the best experience, we recommend that you verify them.
- OS *: Windows 7 and above
- Processor: Intel i3
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD 615 (OpenGL 2.1 compatible)
- Storage: 300 MB available space
- Additional Notes: Recommended Aspect Ratio 16:9. The indicated requirements are the lowest we have tested with but the app may run on less powerful hardware.
- OS: Mac OS X Sierra
- Processor: Intel i5
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel Iris Graphics with 1.5 GB dedicated memory
- Storage: 300 MB available space
- Additional Notes: On older Apple computers, we recommend enabling the "Open in Low Resolution" option from the app's Info settings
Explore reviews from Steam users sharing their experiences and what they love about the game.
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Additionally, we incorporate data from the SteamSpy API, which offers insights into game sales and player statistics. This helps us present a comprehensive view of each game's popularity and performance within the gaming community.
Steam data | 17 November 2024 10:19 |
SteamSpy data | 23 December 2024 02:31 |
Steam price | 17 November 2024 10:19 |
Steam reviews | 22 December 2024 10:04 |