Legend of Mortal

The game world is set in a turbulent state and the mighty Tang-Man declines. The threats from the old enemies keep coming one after another.As a nobody, will you choose either to leave yourself out of it or to fight for Tang-Man's future and turning the tide? The journey of yours,is unpredictable.

Legend of Mortal is a rpg, choices matter and multiple endings game developed by Obb Studio Inc. and published by Obb Studio Inc. and Paras Games.
Released on June 14th 2024 is available only on Windows in 4 languages: English, Not supported, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.

It has received 29,235 reviews of which 22,657 were positive and 6,578 were negative resulting in a rating of 7.6 out of 10. 😊

The game is currently priced at 13.50€ on Steam and has a 10% discount.

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These are the minimum specifications needed to play the game. For the best experience, we recommend that you verify them.

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS *: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core i3
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce® GT1030 or higher
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 5 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible
  • Additional Notes: Recommended resolution 1920x1080


Explore reviews from Steam users sharing their experiences and what they love about the game.

Oct. 2024
This game got some problems (frustrating faction vs faction combat, imbalance between upgrade features, etc.), but the writing alone trumps everything, and its bgm is the icing on the cake. English translation needs to happen for the good of every western Wuxia fans.
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Sept. 2024
This game is flat out incomplete as of this review on 09/02/2024. I am giving this game a tentative thumbs up because of the overall writing, the characters, and the questions it can give the thinking players ask of themselves. If you can read Chinese, I absolutely can recommend the game despite its current incomplete status. Please note the game does not have English localization right now nor am I aware of plans for English localization, but I am capable of reading about 80-90% of the game text as-is. From what I can tell, the devs released this as "complete" only with the default main heroine's story line complete. All other heroines' story lines and side events are to be added in future updates after the game is/was shipped. As of now, only 3 out of 8 or 9 heroines have their stories completed. There was also a big drama that happened with the developers rewriting significant part of the game, which led to an apology and another promise. Disclosure: I have never played the game before the rewrite and I only bought after the fact. As it is, the game absolutely needs an option to reduce or remove the RNG-based events involving death after the first 2-3 playthroughs. S/L scumming is required when you click into wood-gathering or onsen dipping... only to have that dice roll troll you as your character slipped and fell down the cliff or drowned after hitting their head on the wood fence. Literally an extra 10-15 seconds of returning to the title screen and loading the game again for no other reason other than to piss the player off after the first time. /facepalm. Yes I laughed the first time I died from a bad dice roll, but when it happens 5 times in a row after S/L ... well, you get the picture. The RNG can be/is a sour point, especially as some story events require certain RNG event(s) to occur multiple times. /facepalm As others and my suggestion goes - need to give the players the option to choose after a few playthroughs, otherwise it is resorting to sketchy tools and trainers to bypass it. Combat is... OK? It gets very tedious after 2 or 3 playthoughs. There should be another option to hide/toggle animations or skip combat together in a casual or unlocking a "reading mode" after the few playthroughs. I much prefer reading the story and consequences of different actions after going through the game twice - and there is a lot of reading. tl;dr. Give us a reading mode option or support DLC. I love the stories written so far and I'd prefer not going through more grind just to read it. I don't want to watch youtube videos or visit other ads-infested websites.
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Sept. 2024
I can't turn the game off until I see an ending. Even then, I start another run so that I can see a different ending. Weekends just melt away, and I haven't had felt this much immersed into a game in years. All I can say is that the storytelling is fantastic and the characters are amazing. I can't elaborate because I don't want to spoil the best part, but trust us. Get the game, do the first run completely blind, don't read anything online or anywhere, just do it until you hit some sort of an ending. Once you've done that, you've past the point of no return.
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June 2024
并非首日购入,无法评判初期体验,但《活侠传》无疑是我今年最难忘的游戏。虽有未尽之处,却瑕不掩瑜。我希望主创们知道,尽管今日差评众多,但仍有许多像我这样沉浸其中无法自拔的玩家,若是后续剧情线未能完善,会暗自神伤,怀念那些未竟的可能性而意难平。 游戏最动人之处在于其精心构筑的江湖世界,错综复杂,真实鲜活。人物栩栩如生,有时寥寥数笔便能勾勒出一个个丰满的形象。唐门师兄与掌门自不必说。南宫远,温夫人,王帮主,崆峒梅兰竹菊,龙湘,画中仙,乃至金乌上人与晁和,以及其他或大或小的角色,哪一个不是个性鲜明,提起名字就能想起他们的所言所行?人物形象之饱满,以至于多周目由于选择路线不同未能与某些角色相知相识时,我时常会想,他们此时此刻的故事又走向何处了呢? 夏侯兰师傅,在我带着最后的唐门弟子备战最后的决战之时,没有人陪着一同前往雪山的你,是否也至少满足了最后的心愿呢? 这些人物不仅鲜活,而且颇具感染力。大师兄飞侠唐布衣,风流潇洒,看似玩世不恭实则值得依托;二师兄阴沉可怖,却又赏罚分明处事有度;掌门少言寡语,爱憎分明,深明大义却又我行我素以致毁誉参半。唐门的这几人毫无疑问贯彻了掌门说的“正邪存乎在我,名声留问诸君”的敢爱敢恨凭心而为的处世态度。在他们的感染下,玩剧情类游戏喜欢走中庸稳妥路线的我,也不知不觉间变得爱憎分明,快人快语起来,让主角赵活的性格也不知不觉间变成了“勇敢”,“豪放”。遇见不平事,战他娘亲! 主角的人物弧光亦令人动容。赵活一步步从一个泯然众人的唐门杂鱼,在师门危难之际作为最后的中流砥柱,对抗道貌岸然的武林盟。当初掌门对赵活说“你可以成为任何人”的那一刻,我就知道自己无法抛弃唐门,整个正道武林都不值得唐门的一块地板砖。最后唐门围攻战中我选择奔袭盟主,在夕阳之下激昂的BGM响起,弹出”最后的暗器“的成就,屏幕上显示出”战他娘亲“四个大字,此刻便一切都不重要了,我只想要赵活赢。一周目没有攻略,导致我这里主角武功还颇为低微,但是我就是SL无数次也要找到破局之法,赵活要是败在这里,真是天理难容!赵君,不如让我来替一次杏花仙,为你逆天改命吧!
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June 2024
Boy is this fun! Last time I had so much fun was playing baldurs gate3. This game has. Similar dice mechanic, but so far I don’t see how I can add my points on it. Edit: Your points does affect the rolls which is pretty nice. There are so many way you can die in this game and some of them are just hilarious. It’s a traditional RPG, but you get a lot of grief for looking like a badger fucked a possum. Your actions and decisions does matter though, and not all NPC are mean to you. (Thank goodness.) Sadly currently it’s only in Chinese, but I’m loving it and I hope we will get English localization soon! ----18/06/2024---- Edit: Our dog was attacked and had to be put to sleep on the day this game came out. The fun story made me smile and brought some happiness back in my life this weekend. Major Spoilers ahead: There is a late point in game where you are given a chance to make a wish upon the starts to bring a certain some one back to life. All I want is to be able to do the same and have my dog back. I cried for a solid minute or two after seeing that. Well done to the devs. I look forward to your finished game in the near future!
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Legend of Mortal
Online players
Obb Studio Inc.
Obb Studio Inc., Paras Games
Release 14 Jun 2024