女巫与六便士 the sibyl and sixpence

It's a 15-minute experimental visual novel about a love affair as weak as tea. Story consists of two chapters, formed by a mixture of four clues. It tells a love story about the sibyl and the prince.

女巫与六便士 the sibyl and sixpence is a indie, casual and visual novel game developed by 吃了就睡工作室 and 夜神不说话 and published by 吃了就睡工作室.
Released on December 31st 2018 is available only on Windows in 2 languages: English and Simplified Chinese.

It has received 778 reviews of which 634 were positive and 144 were negative resulting in a rating of 7.7 out of 10. 😊

The game is currently priced at 0.60€ on Steam and has a 24% discount.

The Steam community has classified 女巫与六便士 the sibyl and sixpence into these genres:

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These are the minimum specifications needed to play the game. For the best experience, we recommend that you verify them.

  • OS *: windows7/8/10
  • Processor: any type
  • Graphics: any type
  • Sound Card: you must have one, need not too expensive


Explore reviews from Steam users sharing their experiences and what they love about the game.

Nov. 2023
I am not sure how to feel about this game... NEUTRAL rating from me. It is a sweet kinetic short story with great graphics, music and voiced narrowing. But I have to agree with other reviewers - the english translation is rather confusing (for a not native speaker at least). There were parts where I was not sure who / what the text relates to, like several lines in between (and / or context) were skipped.
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Aug. 2021
Unfortunately there's no background story as of why the story is being told, nor any indication of by whom it is being told. My imagination tells me - it's two friends just hanging out on summer evening and that it was just a whim of one of them that the other would try to entertain her with a story. It's hilarioust at times as it can get quite riddicolous. Overall - it's an interesting take on fairy tales in modern world. I loved the voice acting and the concept is quite good. It is very short though, and it left me wondering - 'what happens next between those two' ? (the listener and the teller ).
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April 2021
It's a nice little story and I think it's worth buying.
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July 2020
Just a short fairy tale or two? I love this modern original fairy tale. I love the Chinese speakers I don't understand, I love how the picture of the city changes colors with the time of the day, I love that I get another fairy tale when I start it again, and I wonder if the dial tone I heard after that will ever go away. You can only listen to this fairy tale once! Or maybe I can hear it again tomorrow? I don't know! Right-click changes the "voice" from "teller" to "writer", which simply mutes the story, I believe? Since the English is subtitled anyway, there isn't much of a change. 0.39€ for this short fairy tale is a far price. Recommended if you like to hear two orginal short fairy tales narrated in Chinese; I found out I do like that.
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Jan. 2019
Really found this visual novel to be intresting and cute! A short cute failytale love story. The graphics were beautiful and the soundtrack was great. Make sure to read the extra short story after the first end credits :D The only thing that I disliked about the game was the englsh translation. If you understand chinese and english, you would be able to tell the english doesn't exactly match up. Other than that, a nice short read! Recommend ^.^
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Steam data 20 November 2024 19:08
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Steam reviews 26 December 2024 07:51
女巫与六便士 the sibyl and sixpence
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吃了就睡工作室, 夜神不说话
Release 31 Dec 2018