Vanity Fair: The Pursuit

Players follow Lu Yuan through important stages of his life and experience his growth trajectory from youth to maturity. It will take you to relive those decisions that you have never tried to make in reality, and feel the different life brought about by each choice.

Vanity Fair: The Pursuit is a fmv, rpg and choices matter game developed by MuYan Studio and published by Wave Game.
Released on February 19th 2024 is available only on Windows in 6 languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Traditional Chinese and Korean.

It has received 3,617 reviews of which 3,220 were positive and 397 were negative resulting in a rating of 8.6 out of 10. 😎

The game is currently priced at 5.16€ on Steam and has a 25% discount.

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These are the minimum specifications needed to play the game. For the best experience, we recommend that you verify them.

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHZ /AMD CPU Phenom Il X4 940
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 集成
  • Storage: 23 GB available space


Explore reviews from Steam users sharing their experiences and what they love about the game.

Oct. 2024
This game was a masterpiece. They even put decent effort into the translations. The only issue I have is that you can get stuck in the chapters if you don't choose the correct path. This game is more like an FMV mini series than the usual choose your girl and try to date her game play. This game will remind you of the importance of good writers as you continue to play other games of this genre.
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Oct. 2024
One of the best FMV games on steam. Not typical of the other games on Steam, as it's not so much a dating simulator and the POV is not from the eyes of the protagonist. Best acting in any FMV game, and the story is great too. Really feels like your actions can drastically change the direction of the story. The subtitle translations aren't always great, but able to understand the gist of it. Would highly recommend for anyone that likes FMV or visual novel games.
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Aug. 2024
This Chinese FMV is one of the best I've played in this genre; the story, acting, and even the soundtracks are outstanding. The story is about a young man named Lu Yuan, an aspiring film director. You'll have to make huge decisions about his career and private life. The story will cover all the years between 2004 and 2024 as you watch Lu Yuan grow as a director, a businessman, or begging on the streets. The game has multiple endings and a huge map that allows you to jump back and forth to change a series of decisions to change the outcome. Literally, every choice leads to a different ending, and each plot branch affects the story. There are seven chapters to unlock and explore, 11 main characters to encounter and reveal their backstories, and a photo gallery to collect. The game has too many things to explore aside from the story itself, and when you get any bad ending, a hint will be dropped to avoid it in the future by changing something in the past. I liked the female characters; one has excellent acting skills (the girl in a red dress). I don't want to spoil any of the story by saying what role they are playing; the game has many twists. I gasped multiple times and felt deceived in other scenes, but let me remind you: violence is not an option. I learned it the hard way. The game is too addictive not to finish, and the ending made me very emotional (the good ending). I was not expecting it, but it all worked well. The only drawback is the translation of the names; they are spelled differently every time, but I got used to it and learned who is who halfway in the game. Pros: +Interesting story with seven chapters +Choices and consequences. +Good soundtracks. +Great acting. +Good character personality development. +Good game length. +Multiple endings and routes. (You can go back to any choice to change it) +You can skip previously seen scenes. +Steam achievements. Cons: - The English translations of the names are not accurate at times. Because the game has multiple endings, they did the right thing and allow you to go back to the map any time and change your choices, and you can also skip previously seen scenes and pause whenever you want. I highly recommend this FMV; it felt like watching a good movie with good actors; the romance wasn't sticking to or shoved in our faces, and everything was well-balanced and emotional. I hope I'll find another game like this one. 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤𝑠 𝑐𝘩𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝑚𝑦 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑔𝑒 [url=]𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑎'𝑠 𝐶𝘩𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒 [url=] Follow IndieGems for more reviews like this one.
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April 2024
名利游戏 Game of Fame and Fortune / Vanity Fair: The Pursuit (a realistic life simulation interactive storytelling movie) The English name of this game is Vanity Fair: The Pursuit . Game of Fame and Fortune which was previously translated directly from Chinese. Unlike most other interactive storytelling games where you can make your perfect story, the only perfect story you can make for this game is in the prologue only. When you enter the game Chapter 1, it actually is your first mistake, then you will face more and more mistakes and troubles in the game. This game is for you to experience the mistake and regret, then you will learn from the mistake and cherish what you already have. 东明集团是一个黑社会, 第一章是错误的开始, 不应该加入东明集团, 序章是好的, 第一章必须赶快离开, 如果没有祝你一直好运, 这是游戏的故事. 大部分好的结局在开始. 这是这个游戏的特别之处. 好戏在前面, 不是好戏在后头. I give this game score: 11/10 (super masterpieces) - a realistic life simulation interactive storytelling movie that lets you learn some life and love lessons. You will learn that no one is perfect, we have positive and negative thoughts and we need both (I will explain this later in characters personality). We need to cherish what we already have and not to greedy. Love is All Around : 10/10 (masterpieces) - nice love stories and the girls in the game are actually teaching you how to chase someone if you realize it. This game is like a gambling game, it is best not to gamble. The longer you gamble, the more you lose in the end. So the best ending is in the prologue . The second best ending is in Chapter 1 and after that more and more bad things to happen, so you better stop than going further. Game of fame and fortune, just by looking at the name of this game, it sound like a game to test of greediness. How can greedy end well? This is it, this game give a lots of lessons to the player, about personality, to choose a simple or a better life, face with reality, etc. Lastly is the characters in this game and their personality in horoscope viewpoint : Character Sun Rising Other Lu Yuan Scorpio you you He Xiaomeng Capricorn Pisces Scorpio Guan Haiyue Sagittarius Pisces Capricorn Gao Tingyu Leo Scorpio Cancer He Mu Aries Cancer Nina Leo Cancer Zhang Peng Aries here or Aries here Liao Siyang Leo Gemini Capricorn Shi Daqiang Scorpio Sagittarius Lu Yuan have to be a person that are very careful (Scorpio sun sign), if not he will get killed, so his personality must have Scorpio characteristic. Whether he is Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Cancer rising and other sign, this is depend on the option you (the player) pick in the game. He Xiaomeng is a girl that have high ambition on career (Capricorn sun sign, found at Prologue) and is a very nice and simple girl (Pisces rising sign). She do have some Scorpio thinking (found a bit at Prologue and very clearly at Chapter 1) which she are not easily trust someone and are very angry when someone betray her. Her Scorpio and Capricorn is to protect and help her to succeed but anyhow this time it caused her fail the most (in Prologue and Chapter 1). If only purely Pisces, she would be very fool on trusting everyone and everything (only luck that can help her). But because of greedy she make the first mistake (at Prologue). Guan Haiyue (Sagittarius sun sign, Pisces rising sign) is a cheerful, fantasy, nice and simple girl (found at Prologue). On Chapter 1, found she also have realistic thinking and plan (Capricorn sign) and this help her a lot. Without the Capricorn sign she would be very fool on her job which everything are depend on luck (without any plan), the Capricorn sign hold her back to realistic. More detail about horoscope (if you didn't know much about horoscope like Sun sign, Rising sign, etc.) : Sun sign (life objective, inner self, like a CEO) Rising/1st House sign (action, behavior, outer self, like a COO) Others signs (the 9 Planets and 2nd to 12th Houses signs) - here are multiple horoscope signs represent different aspect, for simplify we just pick a/few signs that found it play important role Horoscope is like a spirit (music) in out mind, when we think our thinking are influenced with the spirit of the music. With multiple horoscope signs in ourselves, sometimes we have multiple ideas, like the choice between angels and demons. Angels tell us to be positive, trust and help others, demons tell us to be careful, get some benefits and avoid helping others to avoid getting into trouble ourselves. Sometime the demons idea is a good one and sometime it is a bad idea and same as the angels. For example, demons told you to be careful and angels told you to trust, it could be in real danger situation or it is fine to trust it. A person could not be a perfect person, we need the demons to protect self and to be realistic, and the angels to make friends. You can make a perfect story for a game but you can't make a perfect story for your entire life unless you live in heaven. This English translation of the game was released on April 26, 2024. This is a machine translation, so may not be very correct in some content, mostly still understandable. You can try this game free demo (Prologue chapter) to see the quality of this interactive storytelling movie. From my experience, the prologue seems to be a good quality interactive storytelling movie and is very different from Love is All Around, but still not so sure about this game yet. When entering the game Chapter 1, I found this is a game that teaches you some lessons about life, personality and reality (this is very meaningful and interesting). After completing every chapter of this game, you found the best part of this game is the Prologue . This is the uniqueness of this movie's story, after regret, looking back at the past and then you learned to cherish what you have now.
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Feb. 2024
并不是标准GAL,而是剧情为主。剧情上颇有可圈可点之处,反映出了名利场的黑暗。没有一堆女主到最后让你选择。要进入最后一章,只有BE或者选择关海月。其他女主的结局都在之前。这就导致有几个女角色在自身刻画或者情感描写上有些不足。 深刻的主题,越陷越深的名利场 这游戏非但不是单纯谈恋爱为主,而且有一种压抑感,前期除了少数早早抽身的结局,都是斗不过几个幕后黑手,要么死于非命,要么只能跑路混日子。而往上爬,则是走得越远,陷得越深,很多地方别说CP了,回答一不慎就是个死。几十个ENDING,大部分都是BAD ENDING,不是死就是事业完蛋。而且最后一章的结局,几乎都是要付出代价的,即便早退出也免不了让关海月坐牢。 总体而言就是一个小不忍则乱大谋,察言观色,特别是和几个BOSS对话,要非常把握分寸,什么时候直说什么时候留分寸,一不慎就得挂。通过这个游戏,多少能体会到名利场背后的黑暗,从这点而言,它比完蛋等游戏更有一些现实意义。 两大雷点:廖思杨的结局和禾木相关 不过虽然这个剧情总体比完蛋等细致很多,但是却有很明显的几个毒点雷点。 首先是男主眼里的大反派之一廖思杨主线结局。这人和男主有抢女朋友、竞争对手、打死了男主好朋友大姐这么多仇怨,本人也没少干坏事。男主要进入后期剧情,就必须把人命暂时压下来,等有了地位再对付他。然而真正到了后期,他被自己老板史大强通缉后,主角反而得顺着他说话不然就是死在他手上,哪怕全通过也是差点被他杀,全靠他小弟反水才击杀他。这点就非常的影响玩家的感受,憋了这么久,还牺牲无辜的禾木导演就想着整个大的,完全应该是剧情的爆点爽点。结果居然这样憋屈。自己身居高位,对方什么都没。互动起来却是被对方各种盘问,哪怕都对也是差点被杀,无疑是非常恶心人的。 同时这段也很不符合逻辑,不说主角的武力之前基本见他一次打他一次。他一个亡命之徒,和自己还有深仇大恨,布局这么久就为了对付他。私下见面,交易完毕居然一点防范不做。不说回答错他的问题必死,一点布置都没有,还得他手下黄毛来反水。这段剧情不管是玩家的感受还是实际逻辑,都设定的非常失败,乃至影响了整个故事的观感。 还有就是女角色之一禾木,设定是一个才华横溢的女导演,只是感情上有些稚嫩,遇到的男朋友是个骗子。这个人物的选角和人物做派都是不错的。 男主角也是有艺术追求的导演出身,其他女角色在于执导方面都是不懂的。照理说两人不管是交朋友还是追求都是很有优势的。同时这里主角还不得不牺牲她的事业来报复廖思杨。这个基础架构下,各方面都可以写出非常精彩的剧情。比如完蛋里顾易和李云思那样。 然而男主全程和她的互动尬得不忍直视。就像个漫画化的霸道总裁在她面前摆权势和装酷,一个劲的威胁和尬撩(”女人,你引起了我的兴趣“这种台词谁写的?拖出去)。 男主的出身文化,和其他人的互动都不是如此粗俗自大,不管是从追求还是工作交流的角度而言都是惨不忍睹。这段整个给人感觉就是作为搞笑调剂一般,但是非常的影响对于剧情和人物的观感。不管是禾木还是男主本人。如果说廖思杨那段是主线商战剧情上最差的一部分,那禾木这段就是作为恋爱游戏,《名利》最大的败笔。 其他女角色 剩下不管NINA,张芃还是高婷玉,还不至于这么辣眼,不过前两位限于戏份有限,塑造不算很突出。相对而言高婷玉虽然相爱剧情,但是她自身刻画还是比较完整的。有心计,有手段,不甘当玩物往上爬。但是又懂得报恩,妖媚外表下还是有一分豪气在。 真女主塑造缺失,初恋彰显爱情和人性之美。 而本作真女主关海月给我的观感却不是很好。和男主的相遇后,基本就是同事关系,虽然对主角有感情很早就看得出。然而由于她不懂电影本身,导致前期应有的相伴剧情被制片张芃挤占了一大半。 之后的商战互动也不出彩,被禾木、高婷玉乃至何小梦分了不少戏。她在其中主要就是个奉命办事的,玩不出太多手腕。乃至还没有几个反派有存在感。 夺取家族资产这里,她也只有劝男主退出,主角是NINA和高婷玉。虽然最终章的不离不弃乃至牺牲自己的确很感人,但是除了这一部分外,以真女主的标注,只有结局过硬,前期塑造、存在感和互动严重缺失。而且她对男主这么深的情感也缺少共情。我认为要突出关海月,应该合并她和张芃的角色,这样情感戏就足够了。以及在商战中给她更多发挥空间。 反而男主初恋何小梦和男主的恋情是最合理和动人的,本人塑造也最完整。一开始我是不满意上来就给你安排个CP的,外形也不算很惊艳,但是到最后发现还就是她的感情戏最出色。 她其实是一个很好的女孩子,作为校花陪伴事业不顺的男主好几年,无非希望自己不要耽误青春,在影视圈这样复杂的环境下一度迷失,其中也少不了男主自己的摇摆影响。为人诟病的背叛剧情也是起源于男主建议她去拍廖思杨的戏换取自己能得到片场,她还被灌醉了。完全是可以理解的。我是不赞成那种对对方0000容忍,乃至像银狐里黄日华的角色那样折磨自己初恋女友的行为的。爱不是这样的。 四个结局虽然都不是主线,但是在情感上都很动人,反映了她在不同情况下的抉择,比关海月几乎都是一个结局路线,更能反映人物。 第一个,男主选择先去找她而不是拍好电影,可以顺利把何小梦救回来,一起退出影坛好好过日子的。 支线结局男主电影意外捧红何小梦后,她也尊重男主意见,两个分支结局中,她走红了依然不离不弃,只是不公开恋情。退隐居家也就是发发牢骚,做一对平凡夫妻。 还有就是她受命仙人跳时,男主如果说理解她的选择宽慰她,她更会提供关键情报。看到廖思杨因为她没完成任务打她时,如果男主选择为她出头,结局会一无所有流落街头。但是她也会抛下一切来和男主在一起。这个结局非常戳我,是这个游戏里最感人的那个。 也因此,我觉得仙人跳BE结局是非常OOC的,何小梦绝不是那么坏的女孩子,如果男主选择和她好,她是不会当着记者面陷害男主的。 虽然恋情早就建立,但是这几条线中,男主的付出和互动都是看得出的。不仅是爱情互动描绘更多,比起关海月,何小梦更像一个真实的人。她不是完美无缺,也有挣扎和迷失,就像男主本人一样。然而这样一个曾经没有抵御诱惑,犯过错误的人,在真情面前,却能够重回初心,甚至放弃物质名利。这不仅是真爱的彰显,更是人性之美的赞歌。 总体而言这个游戏虽然有些值得改进的地方,特别是禾木这段,但整体而言还是很值得一玩的,不管体验剧情还是恋爱。比起完蛋来说,作为一款游戏各有所长。
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Vanity Fair: The Pursuit
Online players
MuYan Studio
Wave Game
Release 19 Feb 2024